
Why do my arms have purple spots on them after playing volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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sometime of brusing? but they just look like purple freckles? lol




  1. i get the same thing. they are either blood vessels doing something or bruises?

    lol :]

  2. Um...they could be bruises from hitting the ball to hard, that happens to your blood vessels, you can have green parts on your arms after vollyball too. Or, they might just be paint or marker or something like that which is no big deal. = )

  3. they are just bruses your arms arent use to the ball hittting u there..... its okay they'll go away in a couple of days =)

  4. from the blood circulation.

  5. Do they hurt? If so they are probably bruises.

  6. mini bruises

  7. dont worry i get the same thing all the time actually i have them know because i played volleyball yesterday but the doctor told me they were just little bruises they will go away later

  8. Lol, it happened to me the first time I started to play volleyball again a month ago. Someone thought I had been physically abused it was so bad. However it doesn't happen anymore, your arms will get used to it.

  9. purple freckles lol

  10. they are just bruises. they'll eventually go away because your body will get used to them


  12. When you play volleyball, you hit the ball with wrists. Generally, volleyballs are pretty hard. When you hit your wrists over and over again on that ball, it creates little dot-like bruises on you wrists. I get them too when I play ;)

  13. If they hurt they are bruises. After I first started playing volleyball my forearm used to be purple...sometimes red. Its the same thing that happens after you pinch yourself. Your skin turns red. So its the volleyball hitting you arm numerous times that makes them red and then purple.

  14. hmmm.. okay so it could be bruises, or it could be a allergic reaction to the leather or material used for the balls.

    i would check on it everyday until it goes away!

    -hope this helps!

  15. Hi

    I am a retired medical doctor you probable have normal bruising from being hit by the ball I use to play alot. But there are some medical reason. You could take extra vitamin C daily which helps with  capillary fragility hence causing you to bruise.Vit C is harmless does stay in your body for more than 6=8 hrs. Also aspirin,Advil Motrin if taken daily causes bleeding by decreasing your platlets which help stop bleeding faster, hence less blue,or purple.Lastly smoking causes lose of vitamins,causes small veins to bleed easier. Suggest I generic vitamin day or extra orange juice. If this continues see your is a simple blood test.BCPMD

  16. Lukemia, you might want to get it checked out

  17. whenever you just begin to play volleyball, you always get those 'purple freckles' on your arms. this is totally normal. it's just bruises because your arms are not used to the hard pounding of the volleyball yet. once you keep playing they will go away because your forearms will be used to the volleyball.

    hope i helped!

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