
Why do my arms strecth out 7 inches when i eat chocolate?

by  |  earlier

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When I eat chocolate my arms get jellyish, or swell and extends 7 inches longer. It happens to legs when I eat rice. I also get hyperhearing. i can hear anything I can hear 16 notes froma pin drop 40 feet awasy for example, when I eat tree bark.




  1. after carefully analizing the situation i can tell you that your condition is serious, there is an exaggerated reaction in your immune system in response to bodily contact with certain foreign substances. It is exaggerated because these foreign substances are usually seen by the body as harmless but your body seems to recognize the foreign substance, turning on a part of your immune system that causes these reactions.

    Solution, you can either keep living like this if it doesn't bother you, or I can operate on your body

  2. You might need a psychiatrist.

  3. You need to see a doctor :)

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