
Why do my beta fish keep dying?

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  1. they need a heater and atleast a 2.5 gallon tank, water needs to be change completely once a week if its a 2.5, you need to feed it the right amount and treat your water.

  2. There are many reasons why your fish died. To better help you we need more information like tank size cleaning and feeding routine etc.

    Please feel free to email me for more information.

    I have five bettas that are all happy and healthy

  3. your a bad fish keeper

  4. They are best kept in a 2.5 gallon with a heater and a filter, he may be dying because of the water quality, despite all the myths saying they love to be in tiny bowls and nasty water, no fish likes that not even the betta..............

  5. maybe the water is dirty or something...and your never supposed to put 2 together because they could kill each other...

    maybe your not feeding them enough or you are feeding them too much

  6. It is probably the water. You should check the levels of PH and chlorine in the tank water. It could be too high or too low which will cause a fish to suffocate.

  7. You either have unhealthy stock or unhealthy living conditions.

    Despite some of the opinions given here, Bettas are tropical fish and require a heated tank, 2.5 gallons or more at 76-82 degrees.

    The bigger the tank, the easier it is to maintain good water conditions. A gentle filter would be a bonus.

    There are experienced breeders that can keep Bettas in smaller containers, but not the tiny cups you see at the pet stores, nor the decorative vases.  These folks have rooms that are heated so that the water temperature won't fluctuate, and they are meticulous about water changes in all their containers, doing them every day.  They make money from breeding, if their fish die, they lose cash.

    Bettas can live over 5 years, when kept in optimal conditions.  If yours aren't surviving that long, then you need to examine the conditions in which they are living. Is the temperature stable and in the right range? Is the pH stable and correct? Are the nitrites and ammonia levels 0? Are the nitrates below 20ppm? All of these parameters will affect the lifespan of your fish.

  8. Betta's need to be kept in tanks (yes I said TANKS not bowls) no smaller than a 1 gallon. Bigger is always better, easier to keep stable params temp and clean. With anything less than 2.5g they need to be cleaned 100% no less than once a week. Above that then you can get away with a 20% water change once a week with a filter turned to the lowest setting because most bettas don't like current.

    You should test your water at least once a week to keep the ammonia and nirtites at 0 and nirtAtes and >20ppm this is easier with a larger tank. The water should be kept between 70-80 degrees which usually requires a heater, I keep mine around 78.

    You should feed your betta at least once a day (I feed mine small amounts twice a day) They like the pellets, betta flakes, frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. They have freezed dried versions too but I don't like to feed these. I also feed a pea once a week and fast one day a week as well.

    I hope that you figure out why they die and can change that so you can have luck keeping them. They really are a joy to care for and have such great personalities when kept properly. I just love my 5

  9. Your beta fish doesn't really require a lot.

    I'm not saying neglect them, but they can with stand a lot of living conditions because they're native to mud puddles in rice fields in asia.

    you don't need a filter,

    you don't need a heater.

    although it's nice to pamper your fish,

    you don't require a 2.5 gallon tank,

    a heather, tank bubbles- ect. ect.

    all you really need is a fish bowl,

    proper beta food,

    and a water conditioner that will lower ammonia,

    declorinate, add vitamins for coat slime-

    they sell specific water conditioners for betas near all the other water conditioners in most pet stores.

    you can keep him in anything from the container he came in,

    a small cup, a fish bowl, an actual tank.

    if they persist to die,

    buy your betas from another pet store.

    chances are they get all their betas from the same breeder/dealer.

  10. it couldd be your feeding them too much or too little or you dont give them a good tank/ living condition. i would say maybe also ask the store you got them from.

  11. Because you don't know how to take care of them.

  12. First of all, I would like to know how they died. If the first Betta died from a disease, and you didn't sanitize it the proper way, than germs from the tank would pass on the germs to the other fish.

    You can never feed a Betta too less! Feed it 2 times a week and it will be okay! But don't try just in case it is too less. Most common reason would be that you  are overfeeding it.

    Bad water quality! Test your water at a local pet store. It could have too much chlorine, or amnonia. ( Big time killer)

    Nutrition deficiency: too less nutrition to be able to survive will kill your fish.

    Also check out this website:

    Best website for Bettas ever!

  13. Call the fish store and ask them if they do water testings. IF they do get yours checked! NEver follow the feeding directions!! Give them like 3 pellets a day. I used to give mine one a day and he lived for awhile!! what is your temperature? Try and keep it high 60's or 70's. HOpe I helped! OH yea are you feeding it beta food? IF you arent feeding food that is especially for betas that could be why!

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