Normally i use my brain to organise things, so much so that i can sit there thinking through for about 10 mins until i am 'satisfied'. If i did not manage to oraganise things well in my head-e.g things i will need to accomplish today, what are some things i need to revise and so on, i will feel so bad and frustrated and my day will be a meaningless one. I also spent much time organising things in my head that so much so, whenever i memorise things and so on, or try to recall what happen before a while ago, my brain will hurt especially in front.why is this so??
By the way, i really hope someone can ''save me'' out of this silly organsing things in my head, it really made me depress, uncomfortable and frustrated if i failed to organise things well in my head, where i treated them as a 'mission'...-may i know what is this also?