
Why do my bushes in my yard have flies swarming all over them? How may I get rid of them?!?

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Why do my bushes in my yard have flies swarming all over them? How may I get rid of them?!?




  1. This time of year, it may be white flies. Go to the nearest home center and buy some spray which controls them but doesn't harm the plants.

  2. You need to spray bug spray  I know that that may sound stupid but I had the same problem and it worked

  3. You wouldn't want to kill these flies if you should discover that they are beneficial flies, which can help you get rid of nasty plant pests.

    They may be Tachinid flies ..important natural enemies of major pests.

    "Most tachinids attack caterpillars and adult and larval beetles. Other species kill sawfly larvae, various types of true bugs, grasshoppers, or other types of insects."

    The tachinid flies may be searching  for & may have found hosts to lay their eggs on, such as "aphids, armyworm, beetles, bollworm, bugs, cabbage looper, cotton stainer, cutworm, grasshoppers, hornworm, leafhoppers, mole crickets, moths, sawflies, scale insects, stem borers, stick insects."

    Before taking any action to kill them, try to find out what kind of flies these are by checking it out with your local agricultural extension. You may find that they are beneficial Tachinid flies :)

    Good luck!!!!  Hope this helps.

  4. They are not filth flies, relax.  They are not biting flies, relax.  They are pollinating flies.  Is this a Euonymus?  They are just sipping nectar and doing a little pollen transfer.  They'll be gone in a few weeks.  Yes, bothersome.  You could trim off the flowers, but that would mean being among the flies.  Next year remember to prune the shrub in late June to remove flower buds so no flowers.

  5. Are they biting you? Are they harming the plant? If not, ignore them. They are probably doing something useful. If you use a bug spray you will definitely kill beneficial insects, and you may not cure the problem.

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