
Why do my cats get mad when I give them kisses?

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Hi. I was just wondering if anyone has this issue aswell. I kiss my cats on the wet part of their nose. When I reach my arms out to hug them they run away...




  1. Try rubbing noses with your cat, it means you're showing love for your cat. Do that instead of kissing it on the nose, they might think it's weird.

    Good Luck with your cat!!  

  2. Your deodorant..or lack of? LOL

  3. cats are evil

  4. I wouldn't try to kiss on the wet part of their nose, try forehead, you're probably just making him mad.  But my cat likes when my husband gives him kisses and not me.  I don't think he likes the "smooch" noise. lol

  5. maybe they just dont want to be bothered at the moment

    my cats do that sometimes too when they dont want anyone bothering them

  6. my cat will do this sometimes just to say she is boss. She means nothing by it just her way of displaying her independence

  7. they r 2 old 4 that

  8. cats suck

  9. They're cats, this is not something cats enjoy, cats run from that which annoys them.  You are annoying them.  Cats, if they like to be touched at all, like to be stroked on the back, have their faces scritched, some even like a belly rub, but they really hate to be hugged and smooched on.

  10. No cat likes to do anything that isn't completely in his/her control. If you are holding the cat, you are restraining it. That's why they're mad - you're holding them and they don't want to be held.

  11. The cats hate you.  Get over it.

  12. im pretty sure cats r sensitive around their noses. i do the same to my cat and she hates it. i also think that cats dont like things near their head in general. also, making sudden movements make cats either more alert or scared. its hard to explain. but its normal for them to do that.... well at least for me

  13. First law of being a cat....never let your owner kiss or cuddle you on demand.  

  14. get a dog.

    more lovable.

  15. well cats have a Superior depth perception they  and when u get to close to their face like u do it scares them b/c they are some what nearsighted, remember they don see things like we do  

  16. Ohh yeah you shouldn't do that

    They dont like it,

    Maybe becuase its uncomfortable.

    I don't like people kissing me on the nose

    kiss your cat like on its head of something, thats what i do or kiss it on its belly.  

  17. Kitties like to be treated gently, so your may be doing things to rough and you keep them scared!!! Try talking softly and kisses softly. See how that works GOOD LUCK  

  18. Cats arn't loving and caring. Dogs are. It is that simple.

  19. LOL, I've never met a cat that wanted a hug.

    My cats would probably never speak to me again if I actually completed a hug with them.

  20. maybe ur a bad kisser!

  21. It's not just you.My cats do this too. It's because you are getting a little too close to the face. If you want to kiss them, kiss the side of their head, below and in front of their ears. this may help. Also, for hugging, I suggest picking them up normally and then hugging them.

  22. They just don't like to be hugged. They'd rather you stroke them. My cat also does not like to be hugged. It is a behavior they do not understand.  

  23. think of it this way, a HUGE strange two legged creature holds you down and tries to swallow your nose with its slobbery mouth and then tries to wrap its gangly arms around you, with a huge grin on its face (which is a sign of aggression in the animal kingdom), what the h**l would you do?  try being a little more empathic and let them come to you, dont attack them.  it may seem like you are being loving, but it scares the f*ck out of them.

  24. Come on... you know cats don't like water (or anything else wet) stop slobbering all over the poor things.

  25. Cats do not like things (or people) in their face.  Just their instinct.

  26. maybe your breath stinks lol

  27. Not all cats like to be kissed or hugged, although they can still be affectionate in other ways.

    Your cats don't, so don't do the kissing & hugging, as that will only scare them away.

    Give them what they like instead, may be a rub under the chin, stroking or grooming.

    Also,if you use anything with a scent such as perfume, aftershave, hairspray etc,  to the cats with their sensitive sense of smell, it can be too overpowering.

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