help me!!!
i have purevision toric contacs for astigmatism and i had no problems the first few months, but then my contacts made my eyes red, so i stoped wearing them
its been the whole summer and almost all school year and i only wear my contacts maybe twice a month
they always get red!!!
the eye makeup is not the problem but i wore htme everyday for a week without a problem. the only difference was i wore them from 10 am to 5 pm
to wear my contacts now, i can only wear from 7 am to 5 pm, no other option
i tried cleaning my contacts, cleaning the case, using rewetting drops all day, getting new contacts
nothing seems to work
dont tell me to go to he doctor, i already will
but how can i wear my contacts for 6 hours straight this saturday without the redness
also, they are realy red now.. so how can i get rid of the redness