
Why do my extracted wisdom teeth have an odor?

by Guest55816  |  earlier

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It's been 10 days since I got my wisdom teeth taken out.

The upper left socket seems to be (smell) just fine

But the other 3 stink... I brush my teeth... I rinse with salt water...

They said they had to do a little more work on the bottom ones than the top...

They never scheduled a follow up with me... am i supposed to make it myself?

Is the foul odor at all normal? Might they be infected...

I also have a slight throbbing pain on my bottom front teeth...

please only people who know... or have had experiences with wisdom teeth removal.




  1. I'd call the dentist to ask.

  2. If there are sutures they can cause an odour.

    Also, when I had my wisdom teeth out, I made the mistake of having rice one night for dinner a day or two of the grains of rice got stuck in one of the sockets and it went bad and started an infection.  The odour was horrendous!!  If I used the telephone, the next person who used it could smell the odour on the phone just from me breathing on it.

    It's quite possible you have a little bit of some kind of food in one or more of the sockets.

    Normally though, there shouldn't be any pain, especially 10 days after the extraction.  I'd give your dental surgeon a call.  My guess is he'll probably want to see you to check it out.

  3. Odor from an extracted Wisdom tooth or Wisdom Teeth

    is not uncommon.

    Use as much mouth wash as you can.

    As for throbbing pain in bottom front teeth, contact

    your dentist.

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