
Why do my eye hurt after getting a new prescription and new glasses, is this normal?

by Guest62719  |  earlier

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I just recently got new pair of glasses my head and eyes hurt alot, I feel like throwing up ever now and then, I also sit in front of a computer all day and that even makes the prolem worst then it is when I am not staring at the computer. Do you think its my new prescription that is makeing my eyes hurt it use to be 4.50 now its 4.75... I see well with my old glasses that I been wearing for 2 yrs. Do you think I just have to get use to wearing these glasses?




  1. Yeah,your eyes are getting used to new lenses.Keep wearing them and the headaches and dizziness will go away before you know it,I'd say in a few days they'll probably be gone!!!

  2. No, that is not normal! That is very likely due to the ocular center of the glasses not being placed over your pupils correctly, so your eyes are trying to see out of the ocular center of the glasses that can cause a pulling sensation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc. I would take that pair back to your eye doctor and have them check the ocular centers versus your pupillary distance.

  3. Yeahh it's totally normal. When this happened to me I asked my doctor why i feel soo dizzy and he said that my eyes are just adjusting to the new perscription.. Hope I helped:)

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