
Why do my eyelids and near my eyelashes look DIRTY?

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Why do my eyelids and near my eyelashes look DIRTY?

and also the bottom of my eyes..

like just below my eyelashes,,

i wash them but its always dirty.

I dont use makeup remover cause i just never bought it

so i use soap.

i stopped using eyeliner along time ago too.

what do you think it is..?

and what kind of makeup remover works great?

i just use mascara now..




  1. I use a little baby oil on a cotton wool pad to wipe off eye makeup. Cheap and works like a dream.  

  2. any kind of make up remover. will do the trick. soap dries it out (therefore makes it look dirty. eccpically since it doesn tget make up off very well.) thats why your supose to put lotion on your skin after you take a shower cause the soap dries it out.

  3. try clear mascara instead and olay face wipes 4 in one

  4. look for this makeup remover..

    i've gone through 3 bottles so far because it's amazing

    it's clinique eye makeup remover: take a day off

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