
Why do my eyes wobble when I look at the moon?

by  |  earlier

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Here's something wierd that I noticed. I could look at the sun in broad daylight for a few seconds without flinching my eyes and then when it gets too bright I squinch them. But last night when I was looking at the moon, something bizarre happened. The feeling is kinda hard to describe but when I was looking at the moon, it's like my eyes started wobbling out of focus.

I would like to ask what is this? The sun is brighter than the moon but yet I can look at it longer?




  1. You shouldnt stare at the sun

  2. yesterday was the full moon

    maybe your linked to it somehow haha

  3. Your eyes wobble when you look at anything.

      If they didn't you would saturate the receptors and see nothing.

      Visual purple is bleached out in seconds in bright light.

  4. ...u ok?

  5. Cannot help you hear....but looking directly into the sun.....don't..

  6. are u a werewolf? or maybe a vampire. nahh definitally a werewolf

  7. you probably just had a moment, random stuff happens in your brain all the time. go see if it happens again; if so...big deal, as long as your vision works correctly other than that i guess.

  8. Sounds like a question you should ask your physician the next time you see her/him. It isn't normal, that's for sure.

  9. why are u staring at the sun? anyway teh sun refects light off the moon which gives the moon its light, plus you can see details on the moon like the mafa and you focus on that and its too far away

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