
Why do my fish like to go up to the top of the tank to do what looks like breathe?

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is there a way that maybe not enough oxygen is in the water? if so, how can i fix that? i've had the same fish since october of 2006 and their tank has always been set up the same way; they just started doing this recently. i clean the tank pretty frequently. they are tetra fish.




  1. If it is an oxygen level you can try to lower your water level.  This will cause more bubbles.  If they are gasping for air it may be a problem with your water.  I had a high ammonia level and they were gasping for air.  Check your water immediately.  If ammonia is the problem.  then do 15 - 20% water changes daily until the water is ammo=0 nitrites=0 nitrates=0 and an acceptable ph level.  Have you been feeding them more lately?  Good Luck. I hope this helps  

  2. All anabantoids (gouramis, bettas, paradise fish, and some kinds of rainbowfish) have a labyrinth organ enabling them to breathe from the surface; however, tetras are not anabantoids, but they can sometimes be seen trying to attain oxygen from the surface of the water in a desperate attempt before death (this is only when there isn't enough oxygen in the water.) Of course, as tetras do not have a labyrinth organ, their attempt fails and they will usually "suffocate" to death form lack of oxygen. However, there is a way to save your fish potentially: go to a fish store, and purchase an air pump, tubing, and an airstone and possibly a valve to control airflow and to prevent water from being deposited into the pump. Hook it all up, and put the airstone in the tank, and plug in the air pump. Air bubbles should come from the airstone and oxygenate your water. Good Luck!!

    (p.s. if it doesn't look like your tetras are trying to take a breath and that they only surface occasionally, they may just be trying to eat some floating detritus that they think is food.)

  3. Yep, not enough oxygen. Try adding 1 or 2 airstones to add oxgen to the water.

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