
Why do my flowers keep on shriveling up?

by  |  earlier

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I don't over water it or under water it.

What's the matter?




  1. may be too much sun? or not enough sun

  2. It would be nice if you gave more info.

    If you have and orchid then you might be using the wrong potting soil, you need a mulch + moss kinda thing.

    It could be getting to much sun or might not have holes in the bottom of the pot, the roots have possibly rotted.

    Please SPECIFY.

  3. What types of flowers are they? You obviously cannot put sun plants in the shade or shade plants in the sun. If you just planted them and they are in sun all day then you might need to water them more than once a day, this is because their roots are not estableshed yet. In some rare cases this is caused by over fertilization (using too much Miracle Grow etc.) a stem borer or if it is an ornamental vegetable plant or vegetable plant it could be bacterial spot which causes wilting of leaves, If you could be more specific as to the type of plant they are and what type of light they are in I could probably be of more assistance.

  4. Try less water and a cooler temperature.

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