
Why do my fudge mint brownies always end up being liquid?

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In The Vegetarian Starter Kit by Peta, there is a recipe called "fudge mint brownies". Everytime i make it, I pull it out of the oven and it is bubbly and i let it cool and it's liquid. The recipe calls for 1 cup granulated sugar, and half cup margarine to be mixed together. Then adding 1 cup flour and a little salt. then 16 oz of chocolate syrup and a little vanilla. Once all that is mixed, put in oven at 350˚F. What is wrong??? The first time i used margarine that said "not recommended for baking frying etc" and the brownies came out liquid with a thin layer of brownie cookie texture on top. Second time I used less than half a cup of vegetable oil and it was just liquid. Am I supposed to wait until it's completely cooled and then it will harden or what???




  1. Maybe bake the brownies longer and see if that works. Also add more flour and put in some baking soda so the liquid to solid ratio is okay.

  2. It's from PETA what do you expect???

    16oz chocolate syrup with half cup of vegtable oil with  only 1 cup of flour and you are making a brownie sauce not a brownie pastry. Too much liquid. Are you sure it calls for 16 ounces of liquid?

    And for how long were you cooking it? Or did you mix well? Sugar not well incorporated to the mix will turn into syrup.

  3. B/c there isnt any animal fat to hold them together.

  4. You need to balance your liquids and solids.

    Meanin if you hav too many liquids like milk or sugar or water...etc. and not enough solids like flour or baking soda... etc then they're not ballanced and you will end up with a soupy mixture.

    & yes i did mention sugar as a liquid because it is............ but i dont remember why

  5. When you cook vegan or vegetarian you should not be using granulated sugar.  That is not acceptable as it is poured over animal bones in its processing.

    Use raw sugar instead.

    if the recipe calls for butter it will set up better after cooking; and you should be able to eat them warm and have them be solidified.

    I would go online for a vegetarian recipe and skip the kit if you can cook.

  6. 1st you dont need animal fat 2 hold it together. and 2 answer your question maybe you should try 2 cook it longer or you might of messed something up when you made it.

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