
Why do my heart beats fast and i shake before i fight?

by  |  earlier

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how come when i am about to get in a fight my heart starts to beat fast and i shake..

and when i actually fight, for some reason i cant punch at my full strength like how i did the day before the fight..




  1. anxiety turning into an adrenaline rush. its normal

  2. check it out bro its like stage frite kinda. when i would wrestle the same thing would happen to me .  that adrenaline has to go some where so utilize mentally and physycally visulize your first move and nothing more your game plan will devlope upon the reaction of that first move and no sooner. you'll have to wing it so to say; you'll hav to see te results before u choose your next move. thats the mental. to deal with the physycal stress i would warm up. go through your rutines , jog in place , run your combo , concentrate on the win.

  3. Because you know your fixen to get beat down!

  4. It's adrenalin that does that to you.  It's suppose to help, but it sounds like you need to learn control.  Slow down your breathing and your heart rate will slow.

  5. Adrenaline!

  6. adrenaline

  7. adrenaline DUH!

  8. Your fight or flight instincts are kicking in

  9. That's natural as a human being to have the nerveousness in anything when you try to phase the challenges.If you are serious in fixing the problem try to concentrate and try doing meditation for atleast 15m once in 3 days a week.(Try to do it in the mornings).Best of Luck......!!!!!

  10. Adrenaline pumps into your body( Fight or flight) and your body gets stressed out.

  11. Fear:  Every fighter has it.  Some control it better than others.  It Gets better with experience.  If a fighter tells you he has NO fear he's either

    1. Not facing the best available competition

    2. Lying

    3. Crazy

  12. bc you are nervous

  13. your anxious

  14. adrenaline rush?

  15. i think that its cuz ur so scared. ur not a chicken or a wimp or anything but ur just scared. and u shouldnt be fighting in the first place anyways. its really dangerous and cuz u cant punch hard than dont fight cuz you will definitely get hurt... or even killed. and its not worth it dude. think about that, make the right choices.

  16. its just your adrenalin that's normal mate that's not going to go away that's what fighters are addicted to. This adrenalin rush will keep you sharp so use it to your advantage  feed your fire and desire to win with this adrenalin. You would have to be stupid to have no fear at all. A fighters fear of losing is what helps him win, fear is your friend not your enemy when Mike Tyson used to fight he was petrified in his changing and at times even broke down in tears it did him no harm did it. So take your fears and stare them in the face. Good luck with the boxing mate

  17. in preporation for the "fight or flight" response your body pumps adrenaline round your body to increase your  alertness and get you ready for action, it can also lead to panic attacks.

  18. fear and adrenaline. You should actually be able to punch harder due to the excitement, so that's weird.

  19. Adrenalina n maybe u get nervous

  20. Its adrenaline. To harness it, and turn it into anger, you need to shout aggresively. Try this BEFORE you come out of the changing room!

  21. i use to box too. it is your adreline. if you just concentrate on your purpose and think of only winning than you should calm down. put all your power and weight into your back and arms. when your punch imagine a force of power traveling thru your feet then  legs then waist then back then arms then fist. hope this helps.

  22. adrenaline itself wont do this perticular thing. adrenaline makes you hyperactive and stronger. but un-concentrated. It looked like he had adrenaline rish and a lack of testostorone at once. Then this can happen.....

  23. heart murmor get it checked out

  24. that would be because your nervous or fear your opponent or just fear of fighting. it should go away with more expiriance

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