
Why do my juices taste like metal?

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I've been using the same juicer for about 3-4 years now. Since the first time I used it my juices have a hint of metal taste. I mostly use carrot based recipes. I thought the taste would go away after a few uses but it never did. Anyone have any tips?




  1. There is probably some reactive metal inside.  Get a new one.

  2. The metal bits of the juicer might be corroding slowly into the juice, especially if you're making acidic fruit in there, and it's a cheap quality metal.

    I've actually read that some lower-quality juicers for home use (not the more expensive, commercial and restaurant-quality ones) have rotating blades in them that scrape together and actually distribute minute amounts of metal into your drink, and there's a few websites I just found that has people complaining that their juicer had a mettalic taste because of this:

    "... (There is a) risk of them touching and scraping bits of metal into your morning orange juice! This is a flaw found in many commercial juicers, which can lead to an unpleasant iron taste in the beverage in question."

    "...(Other juicers) react with the acidity of the juice to give your fruit juice a metallic tang taste. "

  3. This is not right.  Clean your Juicer thoroughly or buy a new one.  Please....

  4. Maybe you just need to wash it. Ya know when you but a new reusable water bottle or canteen or something and the water tastes like plastic? Maybe it's like that?

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