
Why do my knees feel bad when I do squats and lunges?

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I feel that I put a strain on my knees when I do squats and lunges.

They make a popping noise whenever I bend them, although they seldom hurt.

I know that my feet were turned inward as a baby but I wore corrective shoes which helped them. Could this be the cause of my discomfort?




  1. ouch you're doing damage to your joints. Are you overweight? I am and I was having the same problem. Give the squats and lunges a rest and do the butt exercise where you lie on your back with your arms at your size and your knees bent. Lift your butt and squeeze. Keep doing that. But seriously, give it a rest. If you're overweight (30lbs or more), don't do it at ALL until you're at your ideal weight or you'll have big time problems.

  2. You might be doing the lunges and squats incorrectly and putting too much stress on your joints. Drink lots of water, your joints need it to keep that cushion soft and supple or later your bones will be grinding together and all the cushy stuff will be gone. If you think you strained yourself, stop and wait till you feel better to start those exercises again. See your doctor if it bothers you that bad.

  3. It is possible, you should go to your doctor and have them examined..I have had some knee problems and i wear a brace when i am active to help the stress on my knees.  

  4. They hurt because you are putting maximum stress and strain of your entire body weight on them with these exercises.  Knees weren't designed for that type of wear in those positions.  They were designed for walking, running, and holding us upright and mobile.

    Knees wear out....They have a limited lifetime, based on use in life.

    Why not stop the squats and lunges and use other, less stressful exercises?

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