
Why do my knees hurt?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a little concerned about knees. 5 days ago, I played a couple pick up games of full court basketball. Today, my knees still hurt, although they don't hurt as much as they did the day after I played. The day after I played, I could barely walk up stairs (I had to pull myself up using the hand rail) and it hurt to walk up or down any incline. No other part of my body hurts, no sore muscles, etc.

Background: I'm 32, 6 feet, and weigh 158lbs. I'm not very physically active, which is why I joined a local amateur basketball club.

If my pain is just the result of "old age", that's fine. I just wanted to get some thoughts on my condition. Thanks.




  1. your just tired soon it will go away that used to happen to me after sqauts

  2. Try some Advil for awhile if you are not allergic.  If it keeps up see a sports orthopedic doctor for some advice.  I'm sure it will get better with rest.


    Mine hurts when I don't wear an orthodic in my shoes because I have flat feet and even when I wear the orthodic device, because I have arthritis now so when I do a little too much yard work it hurts..

    That was a problem that didn't appear until I got older.

    Talk to your doctor.

  4. my guess is that you have a case of Osgood-Schlatter disease you will eventually grow out of this disease but it causes you to feel pain in your knees when you are playing a sport with quit a bit of bending in the knees, it is nothing to be worried about just check out this website
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