
Why do my legs get weak feeling during day? Is it to do with blood sugar?

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My legs just get this funny weak worst in mornings if I sleep in late....and can last all day.....just a weakish and funny aches...which can abate sometimes...but there is no rule. Have I got a blood sugar problem...lack of a mineral..? I notice it most when walking and driving (i.e. clutch). I can be OK for a period of time, then I get period where they get this feeling.

Id suffer from slight depression and anxiety.....but can't think that it's linked.




  1. You need to speak with your doctor.  This COULD be a sign of diabetes, but legs going weaek is a sign of very badly controlled diabetes, and you WOULD have other signs.

    Diabets canNOT be diagnoses from symptoms alone.  You MUST have blood tests done by the doctor office.

  2. I'd talk to your doctor.  I'm insulin resistant (aka pre-diabetic). I've got some hypoglycemia issues and I get weakness like that from time to time. Not to scare you, but if it gets bad enough like mine did and if it is blood sugar related you could progress to having seizures like I did. I'm not a doc, but definitely go see yours. The depression and anxiety can be related to hypoglycemia by the way, because when blood sugar is too low you can feel anxious and not good at all.  Go to for more info on hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, and Diabetes. Registration is free.

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