
Why do my legs start shaking when going downstairs?

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it is ONLY when i go downstairs




  1. Hi

    I am  50 year old white male

    History i was an athlete and all around good shape

    About 20 years ago i noticed the very same thing that your question ask.  At first i put it off.  

    Then i noticed that when i would be driving a standard auto

    everytime i would push in the clutch or try and hold the break down my legs would shake uncontrollable  

    then it went to when i would walk down hills etc

    I would suggest that you see a nero surgen

    have a MRI done

    This could be the early stages of Multiple Sclorosis

    or what is called degenertive spinal cord

    Please do not get scared or take my words for it

    i was dignosed with MS

    Possible reason your legs are shaking is called


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    "Clonus" may also refer to the 1979 film Parts: The Clonus Horror.

    Clonus (from the Greek for "violent, confused motion") is a series of involuntary muscular contractions due to sudden stretching of the muscle. Clonus is a sign of certain neurological conditions, and is particularly associated with upper motor neuron lesions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord damage and hepatic encephalopathy. Unlike the small, spontaneous twitching known as fasciculations (usually caused by lower motor neuron pathology), clonus causes large motions that are usually initiated by a reflex.

    Clonus is most common in the ankles, where it is tested by rapidly flexing the foot upward (dorsiflexion). It can also be tested in the knees by rapidly pushing the patella towards the toes. Only sustained clonus (5 beats or more) is considered abnormal.

    Clonus appearing after ingesting potent serotonergic drugs strongly predicts imminent serotonin toxicity.

    Please do not take this as a diffent answer

    but please see a doctor  

    email me if you need to


  2. Your calves maybe weaker than your quads and hamstrings.

  3. Quit playing music when you are walking down the steps.

  4. Let me get this straight...does it only happen when you go down stairs? I don`t think I heard you the first and second time you asked lol

  5. Due to nervous weekness.  To avoid this, you take  three spoons of mango pulp, add one spoon honey everyday in emty stomach. You can see the changes within a fortnight.

  6. vertigo, probably at least.

  7. your cumming as you walk down

  8. It's your internal military radar alerting you of terrorists hiding in a few cardboard boxes or a closet =(

  9. You must be old?

  10. my friend has this problem also. don't worry it is completely normal. it's when you have no knee caps. the cure is anal drops. trust me they work. just ask your mom she knows.

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