
Why do my limbs go numb so easily?

by Guest63364  |  earlier

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I have been experiencing limb numbness more and more lately...I don't mean just "Oh, my hand is asleep..." I'm talking the entire arm (or both arms!) are so numb when I wake up that when I move them from the shoulder (which isn't numb), they flop as if they aren't even mine....sitting here atht e computer, my leg will go to sleep at random as well.

I'm on steriods for an eye injury, as well as antibiotics and Vicodin. Is this a side effect of one of these, or a sign of something else? What could cause my limbs to become so numb lately?




  1. It's not really the drugs.

    I'm sorry are you overweight, or at least fleshy?  That causes blood vessels to be constricted or simply flattened when you sleep.  You might notice the blood actually flowing to the numb areas, when you move.  No need to mention nerves here, this is blood flow, no matter how it is caused.

    Do not get up until you are ready, and have feeling with muscle control.

    Check for low blood pressure, thryroid irregularities, and cholesterol.

    Farthest case:  MS, but not in your situation, just a caution.

    Maybe get a physical exam and labwork.  Good luck.

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