
Why do my lungs start to burn when I hold my breath long enough?

by Guest57197  |  earlier

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Why do my lungs start to burn when I hold my breath long enough?




  1. der when i hold my breath for a long time i feel realy dizzy!  

  2. I honestly have no idea---I've just held my breath for a minute because you said that and all my chest does is tighten..maybe you should consult someone?

  3. Well, the basic question is why do you need to breath? Your body requires replenishment of oxygen. If your body is deficient in oxygen, carbon dioxide concentration builds,then lactic acid concentration will increase. This is what causes fatigue and cramps in your muscles during strenuous physical activity.

    The lactic acid is responsible for the burning sensation.

    Even if you hold your breath for such a long period of time, eventually, you will pass out. This is good! Your body will automatically resume breathing until you wake up and try it again :-)

  4. First off its a reaction telling you to breathe. It also where the blood first starts to become oxygen deprived and anaerobic (without oxygen) begins to take place, causing  a build up of acid to be produced

    bottom line, don't do it

  5. Air deprivation, it's your bodies way of saying "BREATH ALREADY!"

  6. because u dont have enough supply of oxygen..

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