
Why do my ninja boots smell like corpse?

by  |  earlier

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I purchased a pair of white tabi boots off ebay about six months ago. Now I've never smelled a dead person before, but I'm sure they're not too far off. I put them in my room and they made the whole room smell. I tried Lysoling the heck out of 'em & aired them out outside. They smelled ok for a few days, but then the stench came back! I put them in my closet and now all my clothes smell like corpse! What's the deal?!?

P.S. The boots probably do not in fact smell like corpse. But they do smell pretty bad.




  1. Have you killed anyone in the past week perhaps?


  2. Ninja ?!   ah ah ah aah aaaaah aaha aha ah ah ah ........wait...wait......" ah yessa, da ninja get in no sound butta da stink of da feet,  baaadd,  and da ninja no sapise any one no more. "

  3. Perhaps the previous owner was quite the accomplished ninja.

  4. Uh, leather IS corpse.

  5. lawl, maybe theres sum stuff under the sole check it and if theres not ......ive got no clue..... GOOD LUCK ^^

  6. the matterial its made off dumy.i think its leather or whatever it is soak for a few days then let it air dry no machine drry air dry

  7. Maybe your feet stink.

  8. Well what type of boots?

    If they are leather then maybe somethings wrong with the leather

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