
Why do my nipples have lumps in them?

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I have a lump in of my nipples and they are about the size of my thumb. They really hurt too. Please don't tell me to go to a doctor and no far fetched answers either.




  1. Hey, it's called a puberty lump and it's common with guys when they go through puberty. Anyway, there may be some soreness associated with the lump, but don't squeeze or mash on it or you could create a problem. It'll go away by itself in a few months but may last as long as a year. Let your parents know about it so they know what's going on with you. There's no need to make a special trip to the doctor for this, but do mention it to him the next time you go.

    You didn't give your age, but if you're not a teenager, you should see a doctor just to be safe.

  2. Puberty, happened to me also, but now they're gone, if your in the teenage years or just a little before or after, that's what i think it is.

  3. Hi, depending on how old you are.that may be normal or abnormal.if you're just reaching puberty and your breast is still growing, it may be okay, but if you're well passed puberty and you have any lump in any of your b***s-whether painfull or painless,please have it checked out by a doctor soonest.The sooner the better.I'm sure u'll be just fine.

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