
Why? do my parent do this?

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why do my parents not let me see him? he has done nothing wrong! could it be that they think he is too old for me???....or that we do have s*x!!! i jus dont know whyu they do this to me!!! they dont understand how much i love him!!!




  1. no they don't ,, i agree with that- its hard being a parent as we get it wrong so often but believe it or not we are only looking after your best interest ... so you do have to forgive them ... we would put are lives in danger for are children  we love you that much ..... so yes we don't see the love you have

  2. Ah, Teenage love.

    I guarantee that one day you will understand, why us parents are so *mean*.

    Until then, respect your parents decisions.


  3. Parents will always be our parents..They won't let you see him because they know how much you love that guy...They know how much it will costs you and where it will lead you into...You better listen to them or you'll be dead in the future...I was once like inlove and rebellious to my parents...and know what I've been??? My life were all messed up after that guy I was so much inlove with, dumped and used me...And I'm just so thankful that Ive met my husband that loves me despite of all the things that happened to me..Wake up girl!!!You should know who really loves you..

  4. They do it because they don't want grandchildren. If he loves you he will wait until you are old enough to not listen to your parents. If he doesn't wait then he wasn't good enough for you anyway.

  5. 'Cause you're too young for s*x or a boyfriend most likely, they don't want you to get a disease or get pregnant, because you're not smart enough to say no? 'Cause you're too young? You're a child and they are your parents and they are trying to save you from this nightmare situation.

  6. im so sorry i know exactlly how you feel but my mama told me that she acts like that becauseshe doesnt want me to grow up or get hurt.

  7. How old are you? Your parents are probably trying to protect you from someone who will break your heart. Do you know without a doubt what his feelings are for you? Does he truly love you or is he just trying to get you in bed?

    s*x does not equal forever love especally in a young male! Your parents understand that and want to keep you from a heart break and possiably worse. Like careing for his baby!

    What will happen if you do get pregnant? Will he be there or will he be a coward and take off? So many young fathers just take off and leave all responsiablity to the mother.

    Understand that no matter how much you think he loves you multiply it by about 1000 and that is your parents love for you. Respect that even though it can hurt! Your parents are looking out for you and love you more than life itself!

  8. must be kinda young.  Your parents are not trying to stop you from having fun.  Your parents are trying to keep you from having regrets.  You cannot undo regrets.  They know it, and you just don't believe them because...they are your parents.  But I'm not.  I'm a stranger, with some regret experience.  And my parents were always right.  I didn't get it until it was too late.

  9. It's not love.

    You're just fascinated be the idea of having a boyfriend.

    He doesn't love you, he loves what you do to/with him.

  10. They DO understand how much you love him, and that is why they are choosing to protect you from him. You may not know it now, but you will thank them later. Remember, your parents were young once. They know and understand what you are going through. The difference is that they also know the consequences. Talk to them. Tell them how you feel, and really try to hear their side. Feel lucky to have parents who care enough to get involved. If they didn't care about you, they wouldn't bother. Good luck!

  11. He got you pregnant. your 17, he's 20.

    I'm pretty sure that called statutory rape.

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