
Why do my parents over protect me?

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Why do my parents over protect me?




  1. because they love you and they think that somehow over protecting you will stop you from doing all the mistakes they've done or seen others do. When really you're probably going to or already rebel judging but how you're already asking why do they over protect.

    they have good intentions... but even good intentions cause bad stuff to happen

  2. Some parents might have had some bad things happen to them in the past that they don't want to happen to you. My parents always limited me to what I could and what I couldn't do. It was hard but I remembered it was only because they wanted me safe.

  3. It is because they love you. I am way overprotective with my son but it is just because I don't want anything bad to happen to him.

    Sometimes I don't realize how overprotective I am being until he says something to me. If you talk to your parents about it in a calm way maybe they will try to back off a little.

    And the girl who said she doesn't ground her parents when they do stuff she doesn't like..... she isn't the parent.  It's our job to raise our kids, not their job to raise us.

    Let your parents know how you feel, but be nice about it. Maybe you can come to some agreement.

  4. Because they love, adore, appreciate,cherish, you.

    If you disrespect that then tell them they will send you to the hospital, and have the doctors use a xyzster on you

  5. ugg same with my parents.

    They always say "Cause we love you"

    but they need to know were people to and we wanna do things to.

    My mom does things I dont agree with and I dont ground her.

    But she grounds me!

  6. Parents try to prevent you from making mistakes that they made that they still  are sorry having done. You may like it now but believe me when your older you will appreciate the fact that they cared enough about you to try. You are going to make mistakes that they cannot stop but they want to guide you while they can.

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