
Why do my parents think they can do this?

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I'm 14. Usually my bedtime is 8:30 but since my parents think I havent been "behaving myself" this summer their making me go to bed at 7:30 now! A whole hour too early!! I tried to tell them that they should let me stay up later but they just smiled and said "sleep tight!" Ugh! What do you think I should do?




  1. I don't think your parents are right.  It is real early for a teenager to go to bed.  My grandchildren are 2 years old and go to bed later than that.  However you are underage and right or wrong you will have to do what your parents say.  However look ahead you will become of age someday and you will be able to do what YOU want to do and then and only then you can freely say what you want to say.

  2. First off you are 14, not 30.You're parents have told you that the reason they are making you go to bed at this time is you are dis-behaving. Communicate with them that you are a mature 14 year old and want to make some changes in your behavior.Ask them how you can,Respect is the answer and the respect is in you,be mature and communicate with them

  3. That is way to early for a 14 year old.  Are you kidding me.  I really dont think I even had a bedtime in the summer at that age.  i dont know what to say thats pathetic.  GOOD LUCK with that one,

  4. Obey your parents.  

  5. They thing they can do it because they pay your way through life and you dont have choices. If it was me I would get up real early and make a lot of noise so it disturbs them. Maybe if you do that they will decide a later bedtime is better. 7:30 is insanely ridiculous at your age.

  6. ughh. that's like 7 hrs earlier than when i sleep.

    i suggest you negotiate a better timing with them. tell them you'll be *productive*. parents love hearing that stuff

  7. talk    to them

  8. d**n, you have tight a. parents. I don't even remember when I was going to bed at that time. Don't worry about it. Get a job and save to move out, that'll show em! lol

  9. They think they can do this because sadly they can. Every night gets you older and soon they won't. Nothing you can do till then.

  10. They don't think they can do it, they know they can. Their house, their rules. I suggest if you prefer a later bedtime that you don't "misbehave".

    Your actions have consequences so learn to accept the consequences if you are going to participate in the actions, or don't do things you know they'd disapprove of and then you won't have any issues. In four more years you can move out and do as you desire. ☺

  11. Try behaving yourself and you won't be on punishment. and sleep tight!

  12. Why do they think they can do this?  Because they can!  They're the parents, and THEY call the shots- not you.

    What should you do?  Whatever they tell you to do.  

    You're 14, and you should grow up and realize there's much worse things they could be putting you through.  The world's not going to come to an end, just because you have to go to bed an hour earlier.  

  13. run away...jk 8:30 is early too

  14. I have an idea...Do what they say when they say!  Don't complain.  Behave!  then they may even let you stay up until 8:45.

  15. Are you serious!? Thats bull!

    I sleep at like .... 12! I mean, i should really go to bed earlier but I find that too much sleep makes me more sleepy.


    My bedtime used to be 7! Till I was 13. Then I said all my frineds get lter bed times! Your total hippcyrites! You just want me in bed early so you dont have to deal with me!

    My parents then moved it up to 10:30, but then, during summer I stayed up really late, till like 6, and i said, well im not used to it! I will just be lying down! Atleast if im up Im wasing energy so I sleep sooner

    and my parents agreed.

    Try it!?

    OR! Just say you have a lot of 'homework!' and just open up something you did at school! And stay up 'doing your homework!'


    Good luck!

  16. tell them that going to bed that early makes you wake up a lot during the wee hours in the morning and toss and turn. Then tell them that it's effecting your performance in school at the end of the day because you are tired and can't focus. Or if your not in school tell them that you feel badly of an evening. Like your drained. Or just tell them you feel so tired because of too much sleep. That can happen. 7:30 is way to early.

  17. I have a 14 year old son that goes to his room at 8:00 to watch tv.  Tv time ends at 9:00 and he is suppose to go to sleep.  Sometimes when I have had a bad day dealing with him and his sister I send them to their room earlier.  Parents need time too.  Maybe that is what they are doing.  If you haven't been behaving the way they want you to try improving on your attitude or whatever it is they see as the problem.

  18. 8:30?? What time do you get up? Do you live on a farm and have chores at 5 a.m.? The sun hasn't even completely set yet. Well, the fact is they CAN make you go to bed at 6:30 if they want, they're your parents. All I can say is try to "behave yourself" and hold on until you are 18.

  19. behave yourself!

    my kid goes to bed at 8:30, (he's nearly 12)... if he misbehaves its earlier...

    you get a LOT more from a parent when you Behave

  20. I'm the mom of a 14 year old daughter too. Her bedtime during school is 10pm but most of the summer she has been going to bed whenever she wants to, since she doesn't have to get up early. I am hoping that she will start to go to bed at little earlier before school starts again so she can get used to it, but it's her own fault if she doesn't get enough sleep. I think that your parents should give you a chance to prove that you can be responsible otherwise how will they ever know if you can. I can't believe they make you go to bed at 7:30 that's ridiculous. That was my daughters bedtime when she was 4 years old. See if you can sit down and talk this over more reasonably and explain your side of things. GOOD LUCK AND I HOPE THEY SEE YOUR SIDE OF THINGS.

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