
Why do my pomegranate tree drop the developing fruit just after flowering,?

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its growing in a tub ,in full sunlight in Spain. It did have a dozen fruit on but only one is really starting to develope




  1. The tub is probably your problem, restricting the roots and stressing the plant which normally grows into quite a sizeable tree. Plants subjected to stress will react by flowering in order to propogate itself. However, having flowered it has a limited amount of food to produce fruit due the size of the tub. It will do much better in the open ground.

  2. Fruit drop is aggravated by practices favoring vegetative growth, such as over-fertilization and excess irrigation. Do not overwater it and do not fertilize it more than once per year.  Also pomegranates often drop their fruit between the ages of 3 and 5 years old. More established trees tend to keep their fruit.

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