
Why do my "friends" always post pictures of me on Facebook?

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I have learned the hard way that putting up pictures on Facebook can be dangerous. I put up a bunch of G-rated pictures of my friends and I, and this guy started stalking me, saying hew as going to kill me and that he loved me. SICK

I also got a lot of messages from random guys saying I was beautiful. Weird. I don't want to talk to people I do not know in real life. I learned that the hard way.

Anyways, I now only have a picture of my dog as my profile picture. However, my"friends" would always take pictures of me when I am hanging out with them. Then they upload them to their Facebooks. It is so annoying. I said to my friend Jenna, "Ok can you please not post that picture you just took of us on Facebook?" She replied "I am still going to post it. I just won't tag you."

Tag means that they put my name on the picture. Oh great, my name won't be on the picture. BIG DEAL.

I don't want creeps on the internet seeing my pictures then becoming obsessed with me and wanting to kill me like that psycho guy.

Why does EVERY picture I take with a friend wind up online?? Can't they just put it on their computer or simply put it in a photoalbum that they keep on their coffee table. Why do they have to put it online for all kinds of creeps to see?

All it takes is for one creep to say "Hey I think I want to have s*x with that girl in the picture. I will track her down and rape her."

Am I being paranoid? I just don't want to get stalked again.




  1. I don't think your being paranoid. Wow, that's pretty scary. I don't think it's a good idea to post pictures of yourself, especially on facebook where you have your profile info and everythin. And with new technology and everything, I'd probably be a little creeped out too. Here's an idea, whenever your friends are taking pictures, put your arm up so it kind of discloses your face or just don't be in the picture, tell them that you don't feel comfortable because they're puting pictures up when you asked them not to.

  2. no your not being paranoid all you have to do is watch the news this stuff happens... as far as your friends posting your pic well not much you can do other than ask them not to..but as long as your name isnt up there it should be ok

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