
Why do my rats chirp when they are happy?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 rats, and whenever they are happy, they chirp, loud hiccupping chirps. I thought something was wrong at first but then I saw they were also bruxing their teeth, also know as chattering. They chatter alot, but I was wondering if anyone else's rats chirped as well.




  1. Mary, I think it's something about you. I bet you're a real rodent pleaser.

  2. yes mine do that when its treat time =)

    and of course play time...its really cute!!

  3. there either g*y or L*****n, wutever s*x they are there used to chirping

  4. Oh my gosh! How cute!

    :] I'm not quite sure why they chirp..But it sounds adorable!

    My younger girl (Cricket) chatters when she is super happy and excited. So it's definitely a good thing.. :] You should record it!

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