
Why do my room-mates always have weird bathroom habits?

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room-mate 1, male, leaves pee droplets on toilet seat, never cleans washroom.

room-mate 2, female, takes and uses my toilet paper, leaves no space for anything but her stuff, never cleans washroom.

room-mate 3, female, doesn't fully flush toilet, leaves toilet seat up, uses my face cloth and towel, sometimes uses my toilet paper, never cleans washroom.

I feel like I'm their frickin father for God's sake.

It's not really a subject you can bring up with people either, considering they're "adults" (of a sort).

"Um. Excuse me, but could you possibly try flushing the toilet or at least closing the lid?"




  1. Put up an anonymous notice. Yeah, they'll figure out it's you (or maybe they'll suspect one another, it doesn't matter)

  2. I would put up a "bathroom rules" sign, or you could just start to take in a shower caddy with your stuff... I use to do that in the Military barracks; take in my own caddy, with my own stuff (toilet paper can be torn off the role, and take in just a little bit with you)...

    plus, once you stop cleaning up after them, they will start to realize these things are annoying also or they will get sick of not having toilet paper... -if they don't, another room mate will :)  -then you can form an alliance ;p

  3. Do you ever have roommate meetings?  Perhaps to save your sanity and possibly your friendships, you should try to talk frankly with your roomies to discuss this issue and other issues that occur when relative strangers share small living quarters.

  4. It's not really a subject you can bring up with people either, considering they're "adults" (of a sort).

    UHHHH ... why not??? I would most DEFINITELY bring up the subject. They should be embarassed that you have to bring it up. That's just nasty and disgusting, and if they want to live like pigs and pilfer toilet paper, then they should get more bucks and get their own place, move out so you can get more polite roomies.

  5. Well you are in a bad situation right from the get go.  I have never liked to share a bathroom because that's when you really become disgusted by the people that you live with.  The first thing that I would suggest is that you keep your personal toiletries out of the bathroom.  When you need to use the bathroom, then bring your toiletries with you, but remove them when you are leaving the bathroom., this includes your toilet paper. The other thing you should do is buy a bleach cleaner and bring it with you when you go into the bathroom, that way you can spray off the toilet seat and other areas that you need to touch.  I do that in my apartment because it is me, my boyfriend, and his father that use the bathroom and I know that my boyfriend's father doesn't clean the bathroom. My boyfriend cleans sometimes.  But I always try to at least keep the toilet seat and the sink clean on a regular basis.

  6. 1.  Now you understand what a woman has to put up with

    2.  In my opinion, the toilet paper is for everyones use, be grateful she doesn't use one of your t-shirts

    3.  Not flushing is gross, why would a woman leave a toilet seat up?  She is nasty.  You don't use someone elses towels, washclothes, brush, etc.

    If it bothers you this much, you need to bring up the subject.  Have a meeting.  Have them chip in for toilet paper.  If you keep the bathroom clean, maybe they can vacuum, dust, do the shopping, etc.  With that many people in such a small area, someone needs to delegate.  So, go and be the frickin father, go!

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