
Why do my siamese fighting fish "hardly ever move"?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 siamese fighting fish in my tank, and there all males - buts its ok, they are brothers, and i bred them myself...

...but recently, they have been a lot less active, and they always seem to lie in the plants, and on the floor... they all seem healthy, is it that they are not motivated? -- should i put some females in there??

also, they have plenty of room to swim, they are fed bloodworm, flakes etc... and i have just cleaned the tank yesterday, so what do you think is wring with them?




  1. They are always generally lazy fish. Usually, they will lie at the bottom until you feed them- where they will still be there feeding from the gravel. This is normal. xxxx

  2. your 2 siamese fighting fish r fed up with fighting mate.

  3. They probably don't find any reason to move or are getting old. As bettas get older they are more likely to lay on the bottom of the tank, and have no reason to move besides to get food. Try giving them something to flare at. Like hold a mirror to the tank and let them see their reflections or even get a female and let them chase her around a bit. Just don't put her in the same tank with them, move one at a time to her tank. Hope that helps.

  4. the temp is fine for them but i wouldnt add any more fighters with them hence the name they will fight till death,if they keep lying on the bottom or on plants sound like they might have swimbladder problem

    hope this helps u out and good luck  

  5. maybe there to fat to swim..uh i dont really no well one thing i no is that FISH ROX!! OHHH YEAH!!

  6. What temperature do you keep their water at?  Do you have a heater in their tank?  Most bettas are lethargic and inactive due to being kept too cold.  Bettas are tropical fish and should be kept at temperatures of 76-82 degrees F.  They will always be a lot more active if they are warmer.

    *Additional* - Well, it's not the temperature, then.  Did you change anything recently?  Could they be sulking?  Bettas do have a tendency to go into sulks over changes in their environment.  I wouldn't add any females, that's for sure.  That would probably just get them all riled up and may start them fighting with each other.

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