
Why do my siblings always put me down?

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I am always the first to get put down. I dealt with verbal abuse since I was like 10 years old. Now I am 22 years old.




  1. Maybe one day they will grow up.  I can see this as children, but as adults.  When they make a snide remark, just ignore them and act as if you didn't hear what was said.  I would turn the tables and say something like, "You use to say the same things when you were twelve.  I thought you would have grown up by now".

  2. that is what siblings do but older sibllings should know better tell them upfront that now you are adults you do not appreciate verbal abuse and would appreciate it if they put a lid on it even tho now it probally is just a  bad habit but make sure that you give them the same consideration do not try tto match them just walk away if they do not have a audiance the show stops

  3. I go thought the same thing...BUT ive been dealing with it since day ONE I mean my mom has this video of me and my sis and she telling me how UGLY i am...I  was TWO at the time! and Im 14 now...and all I want in life is to be an actress...and EVERY single time I bring it up she laughs in my face and tell me I'll NEVER make I just wanted to tell you that YOUR NOT ALONE!!!!!  

  4. your siblings are jealous.

    ignore them.

    they aren't worth your time until they can learn to be TRUE family.

    this is what friends are for.


  5. your siblings. they will always do that. they probably always try to outdo each other. its just natural

  6. Why would I know?  Maybe you're just dumb enough they think you don't notice it.  If after 12 years you're still whining about it and feeling butthurt over it, maybe you should be telling you're psychiatrist as he or she writes out yet another useless prescription because you won't grow up and deal with it like an adult.

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