
Why do my tee shots always hook badly to the right?

by Guest60650  |  earlier

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What is the correct way to stand when driving the ball




  1. Get yourself a good tutorial like the Simple Golf Swing and spend some time practising.

    From your question I am not sure if you are left handed and hooking or right handed and slicing.

    There could be 101 things that you are doing wrong so start off with a good tutorial or go for a lesson.

    Check out the website in the source box where you can get The Simple Golf Swing and a whole heap of othe stuff that will help.

  2. Hey man. It seems that all these people have it wrong or have you and I got it wrong/ Are you left-handed? Then it is a hook. Please clarify this for us first then we can answer it.

  3. Because you have a bad golf swing that goes from outside to in rather than from inside to out, so that you are essentially cutting across the ball causing a slice, not a hook. It would behoove you to take a couple of lessons in the basics of golf. These will answer many of your questions , give you proper information and make the sport an enjoyment rather than a trial.

  4. Hooks go to the left and slices go to the right. So you have a slice right? Okay, you just need to put your weight more to your left side. :)

    Here are two drills you can do to work on this:

    1.) When you are on the range practicing, set up to the ball. Keep your left foot flat on the ground, but with your right foot, stand on your tip toe. Now, swing and hit the ball with your right foot still on your tip toe. This works, because you will have to force yourself to put your weight on you left side or you will fall over!

    2.) Have somebody hold a club up, flat on its side, to the right of you. Swing and hit the ball but DO NOT hit the club your friend or whoever is holding! You will have to lean to the right to avoid it!

    Try these drills and good luck! :D

  5. that is a slice not a hook. but the easiest way to fix the slice is  by turning your right hand over your left hand a little more. this is also called a strong grip

  6. You are slicing the ball if you are a right handed player and nearly every player that is new to the game slices.  In fact, some people never stop doing it and learn to play with it, but I would not advise that approach.

    Get a golf tuition book and study the cause and rectification of a slice and practice it at the range or practice ground.  A good book will tell you the correct grip (very important), how to take the club inside on your take away and how to shift your weight on the down swing.  Work at it and you will solve it, I did.

  7. If you are a lefty, you are correct in saying "hook to the right"

    Basically a hook or a slice is primarily caused by the club face at contact. If your club face is closed it will hook, and if your club face is open it will slice.

  8. You are swinging too hard. Windmill it down. Don't take the club away from the ball too much inside. Thar will also create a hook(snap).

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