
Why do my towels always smell musty like a not good smell when I wash them?

by  |  earlier

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I thought it was my washing machine so I convienced my hubby to buy me a new one and he did

This is how I was my towels

on heavy cycle with tide

and heavy duty in the dryer with no lint thing




  1. try putting 1/2 cup ammonia in the wash, before you put the towels in.

  2. Next time, add about a cup of white vinegar to the rinse water. It could be that at some point the towels were put away a bit damp. Vinegar ought to get rid of the smell.... if a single rinse doesn't do it, let them soak overnight in a mild vinegar rinse.

    Is it just the towels? Do your other clothes smell a bit sour too? You might also run a short wash through your machine with no clothes in it, just hot water and vinegar (or a bit of bleach if you use that) in case there is a mildew issue inside the machine.

    Also, hanging towels and sheets outside on a clothesline is a great idea if you have that option - the sunlight and wind will do them a lot of good. UV light is antibacterial.

    Good luck!

  3. After you use the towels let them air dry so they do not trap moister in to a musty funk smell. wash them in warm or hot water. do not over pack the washer with too many towels or they will not wash well. I add some cleaner like 409 or Mr clean to a wash or even pine sole. it breaks down the oils and stuff that are trapped in the fabrics. i do the 409 about a half cup or so in the water with the soap. soak for a hour then pop the k**b and finish with the wash. I do that every so often if they feel grimy.

  4. I would also suggest using fabric softener.

    All my clothes smell good afterwards

    CuddleSoft & Downy are two of the good brands to buy.

  5. dont know , normal tho, dont leave them in the washer and use fabric softener.

  6. try steam ironing them with an ironing water, such as an infusion of lavender or rose.

  7. make sure you put them in the dryer as soon as they're done washing so they don't sit there and start to smell

  8. Maybe you need a new washer.  email me and tell me if it's new or old then i cna help you farther!

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