
Why do my traps hurt after a ride?

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My traps (muscles on upper shoulders and neck area) are very sore after I ride, do I need to raise my front bars a bit? Maybe my form is wrong?




  1. The trapezius holds your head up and moves your shoulders forward and backwards among other things. It also pulls your shoulder blades together so if you are hunched  over and have your elbows tight against your body  with your head pulled back they will quickly be overworked. Build up your traps and upper body, learn proper riding form. Massage and Ibuprofen will mitigate the pain. Ibuprofen is bad for your liver so an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

  2. Hard to follow MR in a string of answers, but I'll try.

    You might try shifting your position once in a while.  Go down in the drops.  Also, do a little on-bike stretch.

    Drop in to your local bike shop and check your position.  It may be a little off.  It doesn't take much.

    This may sound funny, but how do you feel when you start to stiffen up?  Were you stressed when you got on the bike?  Bummed out about something?  That translates physically.  Just a thought.

  3. It's a common ailment. Yes, form is the problem. Many people ride with their shoulders hunched or pulled up. Learn to relax your traps while riding. It takes a while to learn and you always need to check on your form as you ride. I've put in plenty of miles but go through my form check list to ensure I'm doing things right regularly.

    EDIT: Haha.  Zinnpro... is right more causes than just what I mentioned as he pointed out.

  4. You may have a very heavy helmet. Buying a lighter helmet may help alleviate this problem.

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