
Why do need to have memories?

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Why do we need to remember life experience?

What are human memories for actually?

Is it important for us to remember what happen in our life?

Why do we human remember thing?

Is it essential for our survival or something?

This is a serious question? what is the use for human memories?




  1. Well, for argument's sake, if we had no memories it would be impossible to progress, correct? We wouldn't be able to communicate from one second to the next, let alone from one person to the next or one generation to the next. In essence, we would be worse off than animals because even though animals cannot pass knowledge from one animal to another (especially from generation to generation) they can at least improve their chances of survival based on previous experience.

    For example, a dog gets too close to a cat and gets clawed. The next time it sees a cat it will likely not get so close... you get the idea. Whereas a being with no memory will continually make the same mistakes over and over again. If survival can be considered "necessary", then, so too, would memories.

    You might be interested in Descartes' Meditiations. He is the guy that postulated the "I think, therefore I am" idea. He basically removed everything that can be called into question, and then determined that even if he is dreaming, or is being tricked by an evil demon into believing the things he does, he is still a thinking being and therefore exists. He goes on and builds upon this idea, but he might have some of the answers you are looking for.

    Good question.

  2. Your past actions and experiences define who you are just as much as your present and future choices. Your memories serve to remind you of who you are.

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