
Why do neocons whine about affirmative action yet hire mainly their friends and relatives?

by Guest59974  |  earlier

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A con (no pun intended) is against affirmative action because s/he says hiring and promotion should be based on ability and merit, nothing more. But they make liars of themselves when they hire and promote friends and family, the bulk of their hiring.

Why are these types of people so consistently dishonest? Have they been dishonest for so long that they simply can't see they're being dishonest?




  1. Have you ever gotten a job from filling out an application? You always have to 'know' someone.

  2. They don't hire mainly their friends/ relatives, unless it's a family business.  If you want to make a point, please make an honest one next time.  Thank you.

  3. nepotism is across party lines, it does not see color, race or religion. affirmative action waters down the pool so to speak. it does not always allow for the best, and hardest working to get a job. there are discrimination laws on the books that prevent an employer from hiring  based on color or race, it weakens us as a country to hire solely on those issues. do we want the best or just a token employee in a critical job? is it fair to keep out a qualified student just so a school can meet a quota? it only perpetuate the problem. just my opinion.

  4. How else could a Republican get work? I just wish , for once, it was a position in which they would actually have to avail themselves of their opposable thumbs, instead of a managerial positon in which they only have to extend their palms for their salary every week.

    Why do Republicans oppose communism? Because they would have to start working for a living.

  5. I say they are rationalizing their fears.  These fears have been perpetrated upon them to keep a division going.  Since there are a small percentage of rich they patronize the low &  middle class on their ideologies.  The scare tactics has worked. Everyone could see that Bush is very limited in knowledge and the ability to think through a subject but he scared their vote out of them.

    Another thing the good ole boy network really does exist.  Haven't you heard the US ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT hiring  only Republicans and they were very limited some barely graduated from law schools.  

    Most of the Republicans do not get any real advancement unless they have power & wealth.  Sometimes if they are ruthless enough they can get advancement.

  6. Colin Powell and Condi Rice are related to G.W.Bush? Thats some interesting family tree there.

    I believe the Bush administration has a record for minority hiring...That pretty much destroys your premise

  7. Better question:  Why are guys named Tony always cerebrally challenged?  The guy said FRIENDS and relatives.

    And nepotism/cronyism are extremely prevalent among neoCONS.  Rice and Cheney are G Wimp Bush's friends, as is Bin Ladin.

  8. Its called hypocrisy.  Why do they claim to be pro life but opposed any program to aid poor children?

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