
Why do non-Islamic scientists disagree with Islamic science? It seems almost like a conspiracy?

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Muslim scientists say they've proven the following, but non-Muslim scientists haven't backed up these scientific discoveries or say they're false:

1. That the moon was split in two 1,400 years ago and joined back together again aftewards. Muslim astronomists say there's photographic evidence now the moon was split in two. Noone from NASA says this.

2. That plants cry and feel pain, justifying animal sacrifice. Others say without nerves, they don't feel pain.

3. That if a fly falls in your soup, before taking it out you should submerge the entire fly in your soup and then take it out. Shouldn't the World Health Organisation recommend this practice then?

4. That evolution is completely false

Many of these discoveries come from research centres in countries like Saudi Arabia.




  1. Yes it is a conspiracy. A conspiracy to keep nut-bar findings out of scientific interaction!

  2. Religion and science should not be mixed up.

    Faith and science are different.Science require proof.Faith is bilief.

    How many of your scientist won nobel prize?

    Compare it with other peple

  3. Oh well they must believe what Allah has told them but I will stick to Darwinism if that it the case. Fancy saying that the Earth's Moon had ever split in two. No problem with the fly in the soup might just give it more meat body as some are soo so pitifully watery and nothing else has passed through it by the sieve.

  4. If you believe all these things without any evidence at all, you are pretty gullible to say it politely.   Non Muslim scientists would not waste time on these ridiculous statements.    If I told you I was a Muslim scientist, and that the earth also split in two 5,000 years ago, would you believe it?     I hope you like drowning flies in your soup, by the way.

  5. To publish these results, you require either evidence or a journal that will accept any paper as long as it does not seem to conflict with the Koran. Do any of these "research centres" have evidence to publish?

    In the 13th and 14th centuries (CE), the Arabs led the world in scientific studies. How have the mighty fallen!

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