
Why do non graduates hates students?

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i have heard the usual rubbish things about 'in debts, wont able to find jobs'

but come on now, some jobs requires higher education level, surely people understands!




  1. oh i understand! im a freshman in college this year and in order for me to get a job in psychology i have to get my masters degree before a place would even consider hireing me. its upsetting cause thats allot of work in ppls say that theres no good jobs in that field but im gonna do it anyway...

    not to mention that i have to pay for college all by myself and its really hard

  2. This happens and its down to the bad example of a few students.

    Most students are honest, hardworking and not wasting government money or resources. Many do put themselves into terrible debt to complete their courses and many go on to pay their debt off.

    The few students who are wasting resources make up a small percentage of the student body.

    Hardworking tax payers have a right to question what happens to their money. One day the students of today will be the taxpayers of tomorrow. The UK has moved away from being a manufacturing nation to becoming a nation of specialists. Education of the masses is important for the health and welfare of the nation's economy and for problem solving in the future.

    Embrace education and become a student yourself.

  3. It's a class thing. The working class respect education. The middle class respect it too. It's the lumpenprole unskilled un-unionised Sun & Daily Mail reading thick as this tories who have a problem. In my humble opinion, innit.

  4. I dislike graduates because I believe that a majority of them should not be in University, they are merely shirking their responsibilities for three years and busily pissing it up only to whine about the massive debts they have when they leave with a 2:2 (awarded because after three years of 'higher education' they can write their name on a piece of paper without assistance)

    I have met many in the workplace who are on a 'Fast-Track' simply because they have a degree. It is a laugh watching as they squirm when made to handle real life scenerios, or are given a task that simply requires common sense, of which, most of these post-graduates seem to be lacking.

    How many post graduates actually leave University and manage to apply the subject matter of the awarded degree to a relevent path of employment?

  5. Not all of people who didn't graduate hate student. They're bringing up some good points though such as debt, it happens.

  6. Most non graduates don't care. But in my experience the ones who do are purely jealous. Its almost like they think graduates "cheat" by going to University while they work.

    I remember working one summer on a building site and one block layer in particular gave me a hard time, and now I know why. 2 years out of Uni and I'm on more money than him. Pure jealousy!!  

  7. I haven't heard too much of this but I do think that there are some people who simply don't recognize the value of education.  

  8. I think that to say non-graduates are jealous is very naive and simplistic.  Some of us had absolutely no choice in the matter.  When I was 18 I was ordered by my parents to go out and get a job as they would not support me through University (they earned enough money that they would have had to pay my fees - no student loans back then!).

    I went on to do a number of jobs and learned on a vocational and in a classroom environment while I got a mortgage and a family on the way.  In the workplace I have also come across a number of spoiled kids who have looked down their noses at people who are not university educated.  Working behind a bar a few years back, many of the students who came in were generally sneering and condescending.   Fortunately, I have come across many bright, hard-working graduands who are a shinging example for all to see.

    I am now a grown woman rainsing my children while holding down a full time, demanding job and working towards my BSc at the same time.  I can fully understand the demands of studying and the massive benefits of having a degree, indeed I would encourage my children to go to uni, whatever the cost to me.

    I think all you graduands out there who aren't of the 'mature' kind like me should work hard and take time to enjoy your life as a student and don't think that people without a degree are 'jealous' - they just maybe didn't have the same opportunities as you did!

  9. coz theyre are jealous that they are making use of their lives and are going to live a better life than them!

  10. I am not a graduate. I don't hate students. It's 'fashionable' to decry talented people. Thickies don't know any better.

  11. jealousy.

  12. Ditto Angel.

    I was over 30 when I went to uni and I got incredibly pissed off with some students and their attitude.

    I'd been paying taxes since I was 18 and uni meant a lot to me. I couldn't understand the wingers, especially the ones who spent the first weeks of term spending their loans on booze then complained they had no money and that book were too expensive.

    Also a lot of students seem to think they are superior for being at a uni, and again that attitude pisses me off. Yu are not better, you have just chosen a different route.

  13. THey're just jealous, but I don't blame for being mad if they cant even get a job at a dunkin donuts.

  14. jealousy

  15. i think in most cases it can be a jealousy thing...

    it's natural for people to attack or bring down someone they think is doing better than them.

    they then make remarks like "well you will always be in debt" and that's a waste of money, you wont be able to find a job anyways."

    it's just a way for someone to make themselves feel better not realizing that all they really have to do is accept themselves.

    i wouldn't worry about it.

    you obviously have more knowledge to not snap back and fuel their secret envy.....

    only the educated are able to see the ingnorance in those who mask it with insult - me

  16. non graduates mean...uneducated people??

  17. Simple. Envy!

  18. they are just jealous that they didn't go to higher levels. showing dislike in anything will make them say bad things about it. without graduating, there is no life nor money. you have to struggle and live a life of misery.  

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