
Why do non smokers breaths smell worse than smokers? The sickening foody sleepy smell is atrocious?

by Guest64040  |  earlier

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I wonder if they would be good enough to put there hand over there mouth as they are talking? Mints and mouthwash just doesn't work.




  1. Why are you going around smelling everybody's breath? weirdo.

  2. it has nothing to do with smoking or not, its the persons health like teeth and stomach  

  3. They have a problem with their gut.

  4. If some of them would find a tooth brush it may not be as bad. But they just go on for days without brushing.  

  5. Real funny - do you honestly think anyone agrees with you.

  6. smokers r idiots so wut duz it matter????

  7. Smoker breath is terrible as is the smell of their clothes.

  8. halitosis

  9. Who are you kiddin?!

    Smokers breath is worse....though some people, smokers or not, have bad breath cos of their diet or more commonly because of their teeth/gum disease.

  10. They both can be horrible.. BUT.. the difference is, a smoker CHOOSES to have their breath smell like garbage.  Most non-smokers have a health issue and that is why their breath smells (not a choice of their own).

  11. are u for real?

  12. Good point

    As a smoker, my breath always smells like smoke.

    My boyfriend is a non-smoker and his breath often reeks like garlic or onions.  I eat the same stuff but the cigarette smoke always rules out other smells.

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