
Why do non-smokers complain about us smokers taking cigarette breaks?

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Where I work, I get 2 15 minute breaks and a 1 hour lunch. Also, a couple of times a day I am sent on errands that are walking distance down the street where I am able to smoke while on my way.

I may smoke 6 or 7 cigarettes in an eight hour shift but I am not taking extra time to get my nicotine fixes.

Non-smokers dont realize how efficient us smokers have become in getting our nicotine fixes and still being productive on the job.




  1. It's because they don't take a 5-minute break every hour like cigarette smokers, and they'd LIKE to, but they have no reason for it.

  2. I never could figure that out.  Ask them what the problem is.  I do not care.  as long as everyone has a right to take the same breaks.

  3. As long as non-smokers get those same breaks, it shouldn't be an issue.

  4. As long as I get equal time away from work as you do, I won't complain. Also, I'll try not to stand downwind from you because I'll start sneezing when I smell you.

  5. I smoked for many,. many years .Then I quit. After a few months,  I could smell things again, and it became so obvious thatcigarettess stink!

  6. It's only because MOST, and I apologize if this isn't the case, but it most situations, it is unequal.  Non-smokers don't get as many breaks as smokers.  Now if you only had 2 15 minute breaks and could not deviate from it and everyone has that, then fine.  But usually every has 2 15 minute breaks, but a smoker can say, I'm going out back and they can do that, so it becomes unequal.

    Edit:  That may be true, however, that is still more than the non-smokers get.  Personally, the type of job I have isn't micromanaged, so I'm not too worried about it.  But it is definitely perceived to be a lot more, even if it isn't in truth.  But I have my doubts that it's only a couple of minutes of inequality.  If you step out for a quick puff 5 times a day, that's 10 more minutes of a break than a non-smoker has.  And 5 times isn't that unreasonable to assume.  I'm sure it could be more for some people.

  7. a smoker here,and agrees to what u said

  8. you'll understand what they've been telling you all this time when you die because of smoking a lot

  9. could be because you come back smelling like an ashtray

  10. As a smoker myself, I am with you all the way.

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