
Why do north americans hate italian inmigrants than got USA in the 1960 and 1970 decades?

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  1. I have lived in the US for 54 years and have seen little evidence to support this claim.

  2. your question makes no sense all im getting is why do north americans hate italian immagrants

  3. What the heck are you talking about?  Do you live in Minnesota maybe? There is a large group of scandanavian immigrants there so could it be that you are just used to your own kind?  I live in Northern New Jersey where WE are the majority and I find that there is no hatred of Italian immigrants here.  You do make a point that in the 70's the new wave of immigrants that came from Italy did struggle slightly with the italian immigrants that were already here (in Newark only am I speaking).  This did not last long and this never got out of hand.  There you go!

  4. North America did not have any issues with Italian immigrant on the 1960's and 1970's.   However, at the turn of the 20th century (1900 - 1920's), there was a great influx of Italian immigrants into the USA.   During that period there was quite a bit of prejudice against Italian immigrants.  BUT, this happens in the USA to each and every ethnic group at sometime or another.   We call it "Paying your Dues".   The US is unique in that we tease each other about our different ethnic backgrounds, but when threatened or mocked fromthe outside, we band together.   The whole world saw that after 9/11.

  5. Where did you hear that? I am first generation Italo-American. My grandparents and father were born in Italy and arrived in the early part of the 1900's. They settled in Rhode Island (large Italian population there) and had no problem assimilating.  They all came through Ellis Island.

    We did experience some difficulties during WWII because of Italy's alliance with Facist Germany and Hitler --- similar to the treatment of the Japanese on the West Coast and the internment camps. Some Italians simply changed their names to avoid the WWII issues.

    I know of no issues with Italian immigrants in the 60's and70's. Someone is feeding you a crock of  BS.

  6. I don't know any north americans that hate italians.  I live in a very italian city and have never heard any remorse for them.

    I am not fully sure what your question is seeing as it is difficult to read.

  7. I think many North Americans were racist back in the 60s and 70s. But now italians, asians and blacks have the same civil rights as the anglo-saxon whites.

  8. why are american all obese...?why are you so pathetic as well....?

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