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i have heard that north indians hate south indians.they call them mallu .everybody says that they r teasing them.will anybody help me to???
one reason is india was never a united country.it was ruled by different kings.north indian kings like gupta and vikramaditya dominated the entire subcontinent.
1)both north india is an Aryan race which is superior it extends from india all the way uptill europe.there is no doubt they are fair,better looking,contribute more men to the army.Remember our hindu religion started on the banks of ganga.
2)even east indians like bengalis and manipuris consider themselves better than south indians.since they are fair and good looking.
3)south india's people should shed their superior attitude since they are not superior(dravidian race).Plus they should stop going behind north indian women like insane people.have some class and manners.
"there are plenty of cases of sexual violence of north indian women in bangalore and other south indian cities reason they are fair and good looking.Women do not report it and media only concentrates on Delhi this is bad"
only one solution bring pakistan,afghanistan and bangladesh which is same aryan race into hinduism remember "kekaya maharani from ramayan is from peshawar,gandhari from gandhahar"
RSS and other hindu organisations should work towards it.boy those pakistani women are really fair and beautiful i would love to see them in hinduism.then we could have a european union type thing.
Report (1) (5) | 10 years, 9 month(s) ago
I am a indian..and would like to respect to all u guys to stop posting all these..it hurtsthe sentiments of indians..i am a north indian ,but I stay in bangalore.To be frank with you all,i love kannada equally to hindi .My south friends talks with me in hindi and i also talk with them in kannada..We all are indian and we should respect our university in diversity culture.
Report (3) (1) | 10 years, 10 month(s) ago
Speaking of the north and south indain race is a tricky topic, I was born in india and was raised in nyc queens... i live in nyc and i would have to say that i have friends from all over.... one thing i could add to this topic is that i was born in north india but my family is from the south.. me and my siblings are all lite skinned, we look like we are from the north... i know for a fact there alot of lite skinned south indians and there are alot of dark skinned north indians.. the real question is who the F*%# cares... i speak my south indian mother tounge as well as hindi... i grew up in queens ny so they aint no room for racism here.. im just happy to be living and healthy... i think people need to stop thinking so negative and boasting earch others stae in india.. at the end of it we are all indian... just to add a little fuel to the fire , i banged soo many chicks from all over white, black , spanish, indian, west indian..etc.. some were girlfriends and others just flings.. so if you have your money up, your charm , and a good head on your shoulders this topic doesnt even matter cuz when its all said and done.. its about you and your family and your friends that will be there.. people need to stop hateing on the north and south thing cuz in ny we dont have time to even think about a bunch of bullshit like that... fix your face b4 you tal about some else grill... dont get it twisted im a pround indian... not north or south.. just INDIAN.. and for all you fake folks that hate on stuff,, fuckk off and get your money up... then you would see that the world is diverse and would want to see it and be humbled by it...god is great .. bless yall
Report (1) (0) | 10 years, 10 month(s) ago
I am a South Indian woman married to a North Indian guy. We never really felt the differences strongly. We just feel our marriage to be a perfect union enjoying the best parts of each other's culture. We can associate with any Indian in any gatherings or parties. Our food is a fusion cuisine too....there is a variety in everything and it makes our married life interesting and fascinating. My hindi is not great but I can get by. My mother in law does not mind the grammatical errors I make and our primary aim is to communicate, so language does not matter (our interactions are in Hindi-Telugu- English- Sign language and we have our share of fun). My husband speaks to my family in Tamil- Telugu- English combination.
Leave the history of hatred behind and see the best part about our cultural diversity. Few people may not be broad-minded and if they make any insulting remarks, forgive their ignorance and move on. Life is too short to waste your time in spreading hatred.
Report (2) (1) | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
South Indians are donkeys(sorry for insulting the donkeys because they aint as black and ugly like south Indians) of the north Indians. India has currently 55 billionares. 51 of those 55 billionares are north Indians. South Indians are only the donkey workers of large firms put up by the Northies. South Indians speak English with a different idli wada tone with added ayiyos, aiya muthu swami. Most of South Indians are muthu tambi waiters or sh*t carriers. We talk about looks or complexion, then the South Indians are second to none in terms of ugliness. South Indians have all cow dung spread over there faces which makes them so black and Ugly. South Indians have their faces always painted with black cow dung and they stink of sh*t. Talk about strength and fitness, most south Indians are weak and short and even suffer from impotency . Coconuts keep falling on their heads and eventually they reach their average height of 4 feet. All the indian Olympic medalists of 2008 olympics were north indians. South indians really suck.
Retarded south indians are only good at IT and yes they are on top positions in those companies ultimately working for a non-south indian owner’s company LOL. South a******s suck when it comes to business, look at chutiya Vijay Mallya such a failed chutiya he is. The south indian motherfuckers are such cowards, they can only run their fingers here and take out their furstrations, but for real they suck a brave d**k. I have kicked so many south indian retards in their assess during my grad and post grad. South indian movies are such a joke, one man making cars humans dinosaurs fly LOL ugly women who even make my Television set stink are always under the threat of rape BIG LOL give me a billion to rape them I bet you I got no F***n guts to get close to them.
South indians really stink, believe me they do, always a typical pukable smell from their body. They aint like smooth skinned africans, they are more of burned skinned retards sufferring from utter inferiority complex. Invaders did not rape women from south LOL u need to be blind or dump like a sheep to lay your hands on ugliest women class in India.
Report (3) (8) | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
all of us shud unite and beat up da person who raised this silly, racist, useless question....to divide us Indians....stop fighting and get back to your senses my dear friends...v all are human beings...kindly love humanity..
Report (1) (2) | earlier
TO: all my north and south indian brothers and sisters:
this is such an ugly fight,just imagine how many hours you've wasted in typing reply and multiply it wid your work that you left pending or undone before........and one kind request to the 'so called superior,fairest north indies'. we ppl are in th21st century, and still u ppl talk about colour,race and language.are you not ashamed to tell that u hate si because they are dark and dont know hindi.this shows how cheap u ppl are at heart. can i ask u ppl something.....
do u know who reaped the wheat that u are using for ur roti??????????????
do u know who made the dress that you are wearing now?so wen u come to knw dat it's a si farmer and a weaver who did it will u stop eating or stop wearing your dress...........it's ultimately stupid.........first try to respect ppl... we all are indians and first lets be united and stop the other countries from invading india..........
I am an Tamil studying in France. I hate North Indians who are here. They are irresponsive and spoil the name of the country. They do not mix with French or with other people here. They always form groups and only shout in Hindi. They are very head weighted and teasing the french culture. It is so embrassing for me to be with them in classroom. They do not talk with anyone who is very organised and cultured. They also think about the english accent of Afganis here. I f*****g hate north indians. They do not have the mind to think about the cultural differences acting cocky outside India.
Report (1) (3) | earlier
f**k u people............u mother fukers.........get a life,u loosers........son f b*****s,f*k u all .......iam a punjabi not sardar but a hindu(rajpoot).........leme tell u i hate si,the are jus dirty animals........some piece of a s**t.........lol:))hahahaha
North indians doest not technical knowledge ??? Learn to write proper english first a*****e. South Indians are f*****g niggers whom no one can stand. They stink like s**t and use hand to eat (ewww f**k !! the very same hand they used to wipe the s**t off their black a**e)... f**k You Coons
North indians doest not technical knowledge, they simply talk but technically zero.Now Bangalore kanndiagas have started creating team to send them back from Bangalore, due to them cost of living is more.One fine day will come to throw them, In fact in IT industry they treat south indians very bad.
North indians get ready to get out from Bangalore.....
My mother is a beautiful lady - when I show her pics to my north Indian friends, they are astonished that woman of such fair skin and eyes and hair could be a mallu. Its their very astonishment that makes me sad - that shows the kind of rabid infestation of racism this country has. Coming back to looks, I am an average looking person and because of such obsession with fair skin and beauty, I might have had a hard time trying to be my mom - except that I didnt. Because I was desperately trying to be like my father - who was ordinary looking but who is extremely intelligent, charming and funny. When I show pics of my mom to idiots to swoon over, I snigger at their very obvious lack of intelligence - for I know the secret was never about looking good, that looks are absolutely nothing to inner beauty. So people obsessed with fair skin reading this - you really truly are at the bottom of the evolutionary pyramid.
In 21st century India ...when we are supposed to become SUPERPOWER...why is it that morons rise with questions that have been shelved to the dustbin of history? Infact when I know of south indians who speak great hindi and sardars and jats who speak any of the four south indian languages with ease in the respective states thaey are settled in...is there a great north- south divide...half of my friends are from mixed families and I relish idli sambhar the same way I relish dal roti...No one hates each other...only those who are narrow minded hate each other with tales from epre independence era to cry out loud....
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//Why do north indians hate south indians?// South Indians always hate North Indians only for such a stupendous behavior
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Latest activity: 10 years, 9 month(s) ago. This question has 48 answers.