
Why do nursery children need to socialise with other children?

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i need help with my child care cw after i finished my observasion i noitced the child didnt realy socilise with any one apart form one other child but i need a refrence to back me up a saying she needs to be socelizing with others plzz help it due in on the 16th




  1. i dunno... i think that children need to make friends... coz we may never know... one of them could become one that'll last long!!!

  2. so they learn to share

  3. talking 2 other children is good. it will prevent them from turning into future hermits. u need social skills 2 go through life, therefore, u need 2 try 2 get the child talking it up 2 other people instead of being anti social - though, that, i don't no how 2 do, that's where ur on ur own. even i don't even no how 2 b social, i talk better when i'm writting then in the public.

  4. Is the child just 3 or relatively new to the nursery? Very young children usually demonstrate 'solitary play'. they observe how the others interact  whilst playing, and learn the rules of socialising through this. They usually then engage in 'parallel play' where they are playing next to other children, but not with others and maybe not interacting with them. Social play is learned by going through the other stages first .

  5. i dont believe that they do need too much socialising,heard recently that too much nursery and childcare could lead to gang mentality!maybe some truth in it?

  6. learn to share

    learn to accept others

    to become aware of different religion and cultures

    help with communicational development

  7. Young children benefit greatly from having the option to interact with other children their age. It helps development, social skills and generally learning how to make friends. Not all children get on with each other, and not all children want to make friends, especially when they are young( 2/3yrs), but going to nursery helps them to learn to do this and gives them the option if they want to try. just watching other children play they learn new skills and communication in ways you may not notice.

  8. vgotzky (sp)             use any theory of community or peer learning.

    but at some ages kids have delays.   it would be a goal for the child to socialize sooner or later.

  9. socialization is a complex, long-term, and multidimensional set of communicative exchanges between individuals and various agents of society that result in the individual’s preparation for life in a sociocultural environment. This preparation or induction to social life takes place in the infancy of the individual and derives from different agencies one of the main being the nursery school, for it is at this stage that an individual begins the fundation of socialisation thus preparing them for the sociocultural environment.

  10. believe it or not children do learn how to be social even before they are talking and walking.  Think of the baby that smiles at itself when looking in a mirror, that baby does not yet know that they are looking at themselves, they are being social. Kids that are not around other children from early ages tend to be more selfish and "me" oriented.  They won't know how to play or pretend as well and may think that adults are their only friends.  Look at twins, they always have a playmate from the time they are born and can actually be the hardest kids to socialize, because they never want to stay away from their sibling.  Socializing children also means they learn confidence to be away from mom or dad's side.  Think about all the things they learn, patience, turn taking, owner-ism of what really is theirs (despite the fact that they will try to claim that everything is "mine").  Also while some people really don't like this socialization is often what makes girls want to play with dolls and boys trucks, they start to learn roles in society by what toys we start to give them.  Good luck.

  11. They need to socialize because it helps with life skills. If they don't or can't socialize good early on, they won't do good at it later, when it is more important. However, it could have been a shyness thing? Meeting or being around new people easily frightens young children. I teach preschool sunday school, and it is very easy for new kids to get scared their first week...That got way off topic, sry, but they need to socialize to learn socialization skills...

  12. Children need to socialise so that they know how to handle their self and resolve disputes.  I own an pre-school and we always allow the children to try and resolve a dispute, we try to only step in if it becomes a bit rough or they come and tell us.  It is interesting to watch and see who will win a dispute who is prepared to stick up for themself and who will let it go.

    If someone doesn't stand up for his or her self I always try and approach them later and talk to them about sticking up for themselves and being prepared to say no if someone is doing something wrong to them.

    I think if they can keep hold of their crisps in the playground when they get to big school without having a big punch up then we have done our job.

  13. I see several kids like this at our school.  3-4-5 yr. old are starting their personalities and some are just not as social as others.  But you can help them out by gently coaxing them to participate in games and such so they get to know the other kids and then feel more comfortable.  I think nature should take it's course and most people in general will begin socializing when they feel comfortable.

  14. so that they will learn is it important to get along with others in order to gain acceptance.

    they will also learn that, if one is nice to others, they will be treated nicely too.

  15. Preschoolers need to socialize to build social skills that will help them know how to interact with peers and adults when they are older. If children to not interact and socialize with others, they will not develop social skills and they will have trouble in school because they will not know how to behave and be part of the classroom. It can also lead to attachment issues and developmental issues because so much is learned from interacting with others.

  16. children are products of environment and 80% of our knowledge is from learned behaviour so if the child is in nursery school then the social aspect are that the child will learn to be tolerate with people and to intergate with society in a more effective manner .

  17. So they learn to be sociable

  18. So they can socialise better around other kids when they get in grade school, or in public instead of "hiding behind thier mother's /teacher's skirt" as they say. Interacting with other childeren thier age can help them as they get in first grade and on, it can reduce the chances of being shy. It's not that healthy for them to keep them too isolated.
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