
Why do o-supporters keep insisting women must vote for him over supporting palin?

by Guest65130  |  earlier

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how is supporting some1 who threw a qualified woman who had 18 mill votes, all the critical states needed to win the elections, and was polling better than the republican rival than obama was feminism. and b4 people speak abt roe vs wade the decision doesn't rest with palin so i could care less wht she feels abt abortion. where does it say that hillary and palin must be clones? women don't agree with each other 100% of the time all the time. they both equally strong women in their own right who have raised families, experienced sexism at one time in their lives, and have achieved success in the political arena... doesn't it further hillary's platform more to support palin since hillary was challenging the status quo of all men all the time in powerful positions...and palin is a step in the right direction...




  1. A. When it comes to the issues Hillary and Palin have nothing in common. Voting Palin is taking about 10 steps back as women.

    B. Let's not forget McCain is the candidate here and his voting record on women's rights is abysmal.

    C. Don't discount the reversal of Roe v. Wade. The next president will most likely appoint 3 if not 4 Supreme Court justices. With the Supreme court already leaning to the right 3 or 4 more conservative judges can very well lead to the end of Roe v. Wade.

  2. I didn't know that Obama supporters were insisting anything...where did you come up with this info?  As a Hillary supporter I actually felt that it would be too controversial for Obama to chose Hillary as his VP, although I do think he should make her part of his administration.  I absolutely do not feel that Hillary should support Palin considering their views on the issues are completely different...are you suggesting she support Palin because they're both women?  That's ridiculous!

  3. "'and palin is a step in the right direction...""

    Are you joking? She's a step in the stone age direction. She advocates abstinence only education when she it didn't work for her in the past.... she's against abortion, even for rape/incest.  

  4. Because Palin is a right wing religious nut job who will vote to take rights away from women.

    Palin is Bush in a skirt same fuddie beliefs and to boot she is controlled by Rove and Bush and co.  

    She speaks well but the words are just the same type of angry republican rhetoric that got us in the mess we are in now.

  5. The handwriting is on the wall, Obama is in trouble.  This just in:  Obama is reaching out to Hillary Clinton to help defend him against Palin.  Rasmussen poll shows Palin better than McCain or Obama.

    Oprah Winfrey declines to put Palin on her show despite half of her staff members strongly for having her on and enormous numbers of emails requesting to see Palin.  

    Fear overtakes Obama campaign as the see it all starting to slip away.  Look for final act of desperation when Obama replaces Biden with Hillary Clinton.  

    Stay tuned!


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