
Why do office workers have to take a break, they,re taking the p/./;;'/?

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Why do office workers have to take a break, they,re taking the p/./;;'/?




  1. Got to do non-computer work to rest eyes.

    My job is a mix of office and physical and the physical is easier

  2. Not sure what that last thing is supposed to be, but we take a break to get up walk, stretch, rest our minds.  Office work is not physical work, but mentally very challenging.  In my office, we get 15 minutes in the morning and 15 in the afternoon.

  3. Tell them to put the p/./ll'/? back and return to work after they have finished their coffee.

  4. I am kept in a small dark cubicle where I stare at my computer monitors for about 7 hours/day.

    I take a break to go outside and look up at that big yellow ball in the sky that gives off heat and allows some lucky folks to get and keep a tan.

    I get up to avoid putting my fist through these darn puter screens sometimes too.  Just to break up the day and give the ole melon a cooling off period.

  5. Labor law requires that all workers take breaks. Some positions in some industries are exempt for different reasons, but most jobs fall under that law.

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