
Why do oil and coal companies spend money on commercials for a product that you have to use anyway???

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I mean, how many people actually comparison shop their fuel, besides using the sign which displays the cost outside each station?




  1. They want you to have a good feeling about the oil you're using... to not get that begrudging feeling every time you throw plastic away or fill up the tank in your car.  

    I agree, it's a waste...

  2. I don't know what this has to do with global warming but I'll answer this anyways: They want you to get their oil. Their commercials always say theirs are the best.

  3. To ensure the public that they arent evil.  People seems to get the idea that these companies are evil, and dont deserve the money they earn.  I guess thats what the liberal media will do overtime.  Is it their fault that no one has invented a way to produce electricity as efficient as coal power?  Or a new way to power a car that you can still refill quickly?

    I asked the same question myself, honestly.  I was getting sick of their commercials.

  4. they get tax deductions and it helpes them to get a larger market share. but  ive never seen these adds so im not realy sure.

  5. Its to keep those without a mind of their own from cutting back on using those products (gasoline, electricty...).   If the companies say its alright to use it like it isn't doing anyone any harm, why not use it, right?

  6. tax deductable, they get it all back. or at least most of it.

  7. Oil Companies are publicly owned and have share holders they answer to.  If they were not advertising they would be questioned on their market strategy and what are they doing to expand their market?

    I find it interesting that many people like to bash oil companies and they own stock in them.

  8. They are public owned corporations .A business for profit ironically at the expense of investors .What a catch 22 .

  9. Who says you have to use it? Just abstain from using their products, i am sure you will single handedly save the earth, or at least save coal and oil for me to use.

  10. Oh that's an easy one....  We all know that oil companies adapt, improvise and even capitalize on every single catastrophic theory that comes around.  This one is absolutely no different.  Environmentalists have 'forced' many states to pass laws forcing oil companies to add 10 percent ethanol to their blends....  Oil company response, is to increase the price, since they have to support two fuel supplies.

    Then you have that 'summer' blend required by the EPA, which oil companies have to 're-formulate' for.  Again, you have this convenient increase in fuel prices, which just so happens to coincide with the summer travel season.....

    Now is absolutely no different.  If you look at Shell's ridiculous research commercials, in which they show that they are researching in alternative fuels.  Chevron is no different with their claims of finding cleaner, more efficient fuels.  So, they figure that if the American public is dumb enough to blindly believe in global warming, then they can convince you that, they 'are on your side.'

  11. They're mostly trying to convince you of their green and environmentally friendly credentials in the hope that you will buy your fuel from them. BP actually changed its logo from British Petroleum to Beyond Petroleum with a green and yellow sun symbol. In actual fact, there's little difference between the oil companies when you look at the facts and logistics of oil exploration, extraction and refining.

  12. Because they write off advertising expenses on their taxes.

  13. The answer in short is good PR

    The benefits are, maybe you'll  go out of your way to by their brand of fuel. I actually will go to BP over Shell or Exon. Yes, there are slight differences.

    Also if they make themselves seem Greener maybe the public won't push so hard for alternative energy which might effectively ween us off of oil and cause over a trillion barrels of oil at over a 100 dollars a barrel to precariously fall in price.

    Profitable oil companies also get government subsidies. If thy can portray themselves as the good guys maybe the public won't dig so deep and call on their governments for energy reform including getting already widely profitable corporations off of welfare.

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