
Why do old baseball managers wear unis?

by  |  earlier

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They look awful don't they?




  1. It's just tradition.  Baseball has always been a pretty formal sport like that, I mean the uniforms are full pants with a belt and a button up (usually) jersey.  Also, there used to be player/managers that not only managed the team, but also played for that team.

  2. It's tradition and part of the rules. And no, they don't all look awful. It adds to the charm of the game. I don't think we need to see managers in suits. Leave that to basketball and hockey.  

  3. All managers must wear an uniform, its part of the rules that they must wear one

  4. Why do people keep asking this question every few days when the answer isn't going to change?

    The rules require all players and coaches on the roster to be in uniform when on the field. Remember: Baseball is the only sport in which the coaches actually go onto the field for their duties.

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