
Why do old men fancy me but not boys my age?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13 years old. I go to an all girls private school so we don't see many boys. I have had a few boyfriends prior to this maybe 6 months+ ago but now my love life has gone cold. In the town streets virtually everywhere i go 30-60 year old men are wolf whisteling me, touching me shouting me across the street etc.

I am well... charmed by this naturally but the funny thing is... no boy my age gives that reaction to me - not even a second glance. I get frustrated at this because i would like a boyfriend like all of my friends but i don't know the best way to go about it?

Is it the way i dress? I do dress in... skinnny jeans leather jacket - quite 15/16 year old ish and i borrow my mums clothes a lot (but they are quite nice not old ladyish).

I don't know what it is or how to improve myself and change?

Any help appreiciated

thank x*x




  1. (This doesn't belong in this category but I'll answer anyway)

    You're 13.  You don't need to have a "love life."  Anyway, old men can be creepy and they aren't awkward shy 13 year old boys.  Plus they don't actually want to date you (touching you though?  That doesn't sound good).  If you want to meet boys your age, you'll have to go to the local hangout.  I'm guessing you're from England or the like, so I'm not exactly sure if you guys do the same sort of things, but you probably have clubs or sports teams you could join that are co-ed, or maybe make friends with girls who have brothers your age or have male friends.  You can't just expect a boy your age to walk up to you on the street and ask you on a date - boys your age just aren't that assertive.  So, seek out a place where they will be where you'll come in contact with them more than once, so that you'll have a chance to get to know eachother.  Don't change who you are to get a boyfriend - you won't be happy and the true you will come out eventually.

  2. They're just creepy old men like herbert

    get a mace gun or flashlight and learn to walk fast

  3. girl first off dont wear a leather jacket! or your moms clothes. get your own style ya know?

  4. lol i know the answer to that one im 14 i just became 14  on saturday

    its probably that with a kid you age like me its harder to tell a person you like them i dont know why im pretty popular at my school but even if i knew a girl really well i wouldnt know how to talk to them so im sure there are a lot of guys that like you but are too shy to say it. and those older guys are either jerks/perverts or just trying to impress friends Hope this helped

  5. maybe you intimidate boys your own age

  6. Okay first, a lot of guys your age are still more worried about which superheros can beat each other up.  If they do go out on "dates" it is usually with other friends there watching and giggling. It has little to do with actually being a couple.  Just as with girls, guys mature over a period of years. Some start in 8th grade while most need more time. The majority are ready to start dating when they are 15 and 16 with the last few stragglers having to wait until they get to be 19 or 20 before they can see beyond themselves.  You may have a long wait but be patient, it will be worth it whent he right guy comes into your heart

  7. girl, enjoy the time you have left.  I am only young, and when your young, and young your age young, there is no such thing as a love life.  

    Old men are wold whistling at you because they want to have S E X with a innocent virginal girl who looks like their daughters.

    Do you want them to charm you out of your virginity and leave you in the streets bleeding and crying?  If they touch or call you from across the street, give them the finger and call the police [ if they touch you sexually.]

    Boys your age don't want girlfriends, they want to play and get dirty and eat icky food.  They have girlfriends because they are uncomfortable with themselves and know that everyone else has one so they need one to fit in.  Sounds like someone you know?  [ I'm talking about you, a man doesn't complete you, trust me.]

    Now, dress in whatever way makes you comfortable and don't change it for the world.  Don't borrow your Mom's clothes, she is a great deal older than you and it is more appropriate for her to be wearing them, but probably not you.  Don't change yourself, your great now :)

  8. Not sure about this one, Emma. I smell a rat

  9. i really think you need to relax!! i mean you're 13!!!

    you have to be careful of men who are just pedophiles and i dont find anything wrong with the stuff you wear though!!  young boys arent that intereted in girls because we mature faster than boy do puberty and all that so please be carefull and take your take!!!:)

  10. Don't worry! And don't change your self over this, scratch that dont change your self for anyone or anything. To start it of, since you dress not like every 13 year old dresses the older men think your 18 or older so like every men would do who is attracted to any woman he will try to hit on here and hope and pray she'll notice him, while the younger guys, the guys your age also think your 18 and are afraid to hit on you because they are afraid of you either laughing at them or rejection. If you want that to change dont chage your self just try to find guys YOUR AGE, and just get to know them, tell them your real age and i'm sure if they are intrested they'll be all over you.  

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